by Phil Kellerman
Donald Trump is threatening the lives of approximately 800,000 “Dreamers” in the United States. These are primarily foreign-born young adults who came over when they were young, brought by a parent(s) or family members.
Trump has pledged to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in which a Dreamer, for a fee of $465, receives a two-year legal work permit, can obtain a drivers license and not fear deportation to a home country that they have not been to for years.
If DACA is terminated, Senators Lindsay Graham and Dick Durbin are going to introduce to the new Congress the “Bridge Act” that would enshrine the essence of President Obama’s executive order establishing DACA.
It is not too early to contact your senate and congressional representatives to advocate for the continuation of the current DACA program or for the “Bridge Act” if Trump gives DACA the ax. If he does, these young Americans will lose their legal standing in a cruel stroke and be unable to work and come out of the shadows. D