On Friday June 29, the Civic Media Center will reprise its successful art sale of the print works of Sara Amatniek, who died in 1996. She left behind hundreds of unique prints that cover a range of subject matter: plants, animals, fish, people, and abstract and geometric designs, with multiple copies of each design in varying colors and intensities.
Many prints were sold during the first sale at April’s ArtWalk, but more remain priced to sell at at $3, $5 and $10 for small, medium and large prints. There are a couple dozen larger matted prints for $30.
During her life, Ms. Amatniek’s works were displayed around the NYC area and in Egypt, Israel and India. The prints have been in storage since her death in Gainesville at her daughter Kathy Sarachild’s home, but are now available to art lovers.
Sales of the prints will benefit both the Civic Media Center and local Women’s liberation organizing via Redstockings and National Women’s Liberation.
The monthly ArtWalk takes place the last Friday of the month in downtown Gainesville from 7-10pm. D