Looking ahead … The Politics of Florida and the 2022 Midterm Elections

Webinar: Tuesday, April 19, 2pm
Registration: bit.ly/LookingAhead-RSVP

Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative and the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program for a dynamic panel discussion that will focus on Latino political candidates in Florida, their platforms, their electoral base, the issues taking center stage in this election cycle, and the political implications that the races in Florida will have for the rest of the country. 

Speaking with community organizers, elected officials, and political candidates is the best way to understand what is at stake during the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. Looking Ahead, The Politics of Florida and the 2022 Midterm Elections focuses on the community organizers who are working on the ground to mobilize Florida voters, the elected officials who are championing new progressive policies, and the candidates who hope to secure office and lead Florida through a period of ongoing recovery. 

Uplifting the stories of Floridians during the 2022 midterms provides a play book for states facing similar electoral shifts and hoping to enact bold, impactful policy reforms. For more information, please contact Adolfho Romero from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at adolfhoromero@ufl.edu.

Event registration link: bit.ly/LookingAhead-RSVP 

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