Protect your rights: Sign petition to get abortion issue on the ballot

by Kai Christmas, Regional Organizer, Planned Parenthood

On Monday, May 8, Floridians Protecting Freedom launched a citizen-led ballot initiataive campaign to give Florida voters the chance to ensure that their personal medical decisions are theirs and theirs alone to make. 

The decision of whether or not to have an abortion belongs to Floridians, their families, and those they trust — this campaign is an opportunity to further enshrine those protections in our state constitution.

“We are putting abortion on the ballot, and we are giving the voice back to the people of Florida that for so long has been silenced,” said Sarah Parker, President of Women’s Voices of Southwest Florida. 

“We’re asking Floridians to join us because it is time for the people of Florida, from all classes, from all political affiliations, and from all faiths, to stand in solidarity — and fight back. It’s time to reclaim our voices and bring real freedom to the state of Florida.”

Year after year Florida lawmakers have implemented increasingly drastic restrictions on abortion access —even though Floridians don’t support them. Passage of this constitutional amendment will establish an explicit right to abortion and ensure that Floridians’ reproductive freedom is codified into law and no longer subject to the whims of extremist politicians and judges.

The petition is on the website Any registered Florida voter can sign a petition. 

The Civic Media Center is acting as a hub for petition collection, and people can drop off completed petitions there, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 to 6pm. If you want to volunteer to collect petitions, contact the Planned Parenthood Regional Organizer, Kai, at

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