Category Archives: Articles

End genocide in Gaza

At this moment, we are witnessing crimes against humanity in Gaza. More than two million people are being denied food, water, and electricity, and their hospitals are being bombed and infrastructure destroyed, all with the express purpose of ethnic cleansing—to push the population of Gaza into the Sinai. 

Innocent Israeli lives were lost on Oct. 7 and should be mourned, but as Stefanie Fox, the director for Jewish Voices for Peace, stated, “Reality is shaped by when you start the clock, you know, and while the Israeli government may have just declared war, its war on Palestine started 75 years ago.” 

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Veterans for Peace Winter Solstice Concert, Dec. 9

Veterans for Peace welcomes all to attend their 37th annual Winter Solstice Concert, a community celebration of peace and light, singing, dancing, and fellowship, on Saturday, Dec. 9 at 7:30pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 4225 NW 34th Street in Gainesville.

The show will feature performances, including a Cherokee Peace Chant, from Drums for Peace, John Chambers & Friends, David Beede & Janet Rucker, Quartermoon, Other Voices, and a Choir of Heavenly Semi-Angels. And of course Master of Ceremonies Bob Treadwater, with signing for the deaf graciously provided by Diane Delage. Pre-show music by Cathy DeWitt and Mark Billman starts at 7:30pm.

Tickets can be purchased online at, available on a sliding scale from $20 to $40 each. Pay what you can. 

For the safety of all guests and performers, masks will be required inside.

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Commission will cut Social  Security; HB 4583 will secure it 

by Mary Savage

Earlier this year, Congress voted to increase the debt ceiling and gave relief to senior citizens, and those approaching retirement age, knowing that Social Security and Medicare were safe from cuts. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) then announced plans for a commission to cut these programs behind closed doors. McCarthy understood the only way to cut our owed benefits is to make a secret deal and present it to the American people under the guise of being “bipartisan, on both sides of the aisle.” This would give cover to members of both major political parties. Then, voters won’t know who to blame at election time. But Americans know the only way to win at this is not to play. 

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Gerrymandering in Alachua County

‘We have to behave as what we are: citizens engaged in a struggle for democracy’

by Donna Waller,  Retired SFC Political Science professor & community  activist 

On Oct. 25, I sat for 3.5 hours at the Alachua County Legislative Delegation’s annual public meeting. Watching and listening to everyone gave me a lot to think about, but the longer I stayed, the more I focused on the issue of gerrymandering. 

The word dates back to the dawn of the republic when a Massachusetts Governor, Elbridge Gerry, created a district in the form of a salamander in order to give his party an advantage in the legislature. Drawing districts in an odd shape in order to help or harm a candidate or group is a time-honored American tradition, but so is the belief that it is a negative one that makes a mockery of our historical drive toward political equality. 

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A Bradford County clustermuck: Comp Plan, commissioners and Chemours MiningA Bradford County clustermuck:

by Carol Mosley

After a seven-year struggle to put a phosphate mining plan to rest, Bradford County is trying to update (hopefully upgrade) the Comprehensive Plan on mining. They’ve been trying to get this done since 2019, but were continually stymied by mining issues. This time it is Chemours FC that is throwing monkey wrenches in the gears.

Chemours mines along the trail ridge between Bradford and Clay counties. The discharge eventually flows into the Santa Fe River. They mainly produce titanium dioxide from the minerals obtained, which is used to make things white. 

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When information is censored, thought is censored

UF student: ‘Florida university instruction [is turning] into a censorship nightmare’

by Stevie Sanders

The day I opened my acceptance letter from the University of Florida was one of the happiest days of my life. I have dreamt of coming to UF since I was a bright-eyed nine-year-old screaming to Tom Petty at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. 

Imagine my despair when, within my first year at the university, outside forces would threaten to shatter that dream. 

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From the publisher … Passion and passivity

by Joe Courter

What a time we are in as we head into the end of 2023. The absolute horrors that are taking place following the events of October 7 are incomprehensible. Of course I must say that the pre-Oct. 7 situation in Gaza and the region is equally incomprehensible to me, watching this pressure cooker of a situation dating back over half a century get worse and worse until it finally blew up … into what we don’t know. At the time of writing this, November 2, there is no resolution in sight, just the horrors of collective punishment on the innocent civilians of Gaza. It is being watched by millions of anguished witnesses around the globe. I am too disgusted to say anything more. I am completely appalled.

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GRU takeover: It’s getting real

by Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson 

The new Utility Authority board met in October for swearing-in and getting organized. Their Nov. 1 meeting dealt with some sobering business. 

The accumulated debt of Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) and the rates for electricity are two preoccupations of the Utility Authority, as they should be. Over the years, GRU has created one of the nation’s most complicated financial portfolios, with a bewildering array of short- and long-term debt. Almost every day, large amounts of it roll over, and the companies that provide assurances to institutional investors are showing signs of concern. One “liquidity facility” has indicated they are discontinuing their coverage of GRU debt until governance issues are resolved. 

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November/December 2023 Gainesville Iguana

The November/December issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Editors’ picks: News that didn’t fit

Big 3 buckled as stand-up strike spread
The Auto Workers (UAW) now have agreements with each of the Big 3 automakers
by Dan DiMaggio | Labor Notes | Oct. 31 |
A roundup from Labor Notes on the end of the strike and what’s in the tentative agreements. 

Gaza and the Empathy Gap
How we Americans feel about Gazans living under Israeli bombs does matter, since we’re the ones financing it
by Ryan Grim | The Intercept | Oct. 23 |
Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 was terrible and should be condemned, but Israel’s response has been horrifying. Even so, many Americans, and the White House, unwaveringly support Israel. But what if we put ourselves in the shoes of Palestinian civilians? To imagine how it feels to see unconditional support being given to a military operation that is killing thousands upon thousands of innocent people, how it must feel to see calls for a humanitarian ceasefire attacked as not just wrong but “repugnant” — not from a college student group, but from the podium at the White House. How we Americans feel about all this does matter, since we’re the ones financing it.

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CMC celebrates 30 years of community, education

by  F. Stewart-Taylor and J.D. Schmidt

Oct. 13 marks the 30th anniversary of the Civic Media Center, Gainesville’s beloved radical library and organizing space. To celebrate, the CMC is launching a fundraiser and inviting community members to share stories from their time at the Center. 

The CMC’s #30for30 campaign requests that community members share their favorite stories from the CMC, accompanied by a $30 donation to support the Center’s future.

With three decades of organizing, art, and education in the heart of Gainesville, the CMC has seen a lot of history, and even played a role in making some. 

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History and the people who make it: Scott Camil (Part 1)

Scott Camil is a Gainesville activist, veteran, honored hero, and friend of SPOHP. He is also a member of the Gainesville Eight: the group of seven Vietnam War veterans and one civilian who were caught in a conspiracy by the FBI, which attempted to frame them for terroristic threats. (See last month’s Iguana for more on the Gainesville 8) 

In this 2005 interview with John Aversono (A), Mr. Camil (C) describes his upbringing, and his Marine Corps training, and touches on how he became an antiwar activist. Be advised that there is profanity. Transcript edited by Donovan Carter.

A: I want to start with some background information. Where were you born?

C: Brooklyn, New York.

A: What year?

C: 1946. When I was about four years old my parents moved from New York to Hialeah [Florida]. I grew up in Hialeah. I went into the Marine Corps afterhigh school and then went to Dade Community College. I graduated there and transferred up to Gainesville in 1970.

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DeSantis: The anti-education governor

Approved expenses for homeschooled students: Foosball tables, skateboards, kayaks, dolls, stuffed animals

by  Pierce Butler

When Ron DeSantis became Governor of Florida in 2019, the state had about 2,000 unfilled teaching positions in its public schools. As of August this year, according to the Florida Education Association, Florida now needs around 8,000 more teachers (plus 6,000 more support staffers).

The governor’s (and legislature’s) “War on Woke” has not just driven out many progressively-minded educators, but has scared away many moderate and apolitical teachers. Sweeping but vague laws limiting what students can hear and read have left schools and school boards guessing about which words and books, on topics from slavery to LGBTQ+ issues today, might get them fined, fired, and/or arrested. 

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Take it to the streets! But maybe not that street

What’s going on with Gainesville’s open container ordinance

by Danny Hughes, Loosey’s Downtown

A few weeks ago, the City Commission voted to reinstate the old open container ordinance, which had been repealed during Covid to let outdoor service exist. The vote was 4-3 in favor of returning to a pre-Covid version of the open container ordinance, which is rather selectively enforced, and effectively no alcohol on the streets, anywhere, ever. So this solution was proposed: an entertainment district (the idea has been dubbed ACE for the time being: Arts-Culture-Entertainment).

Yeah, it’s weird, but it certainly is a solution that we can work with. Essentially what this means is that there will be a defined area in downtown where you can have and consume alcohol in public spaces between certain hours and within a few specific constraints like how big your drink is or what your drink container is made from (the reality is everyone involved really wants to discourage glass and I agree with that). 

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Help Alachua County’s Human Rights Coalition combat anti-immigrant legislation’s negative effects

by Liz Ibarrola and Veronica Robleto Human Rights Coalition of Alachua County

A community ID is a pocket-sized example of how small innovations can have enormous impacts. 

Identification is an essential tool, unlocking access to fundamental resources like education, housing, and banking. Local IDs not only fill a gap overlooked by government-issued identification programs, but work to dismantle the systemic barriers which produce and reinforce marginalization. 

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NWL’s ‘Abortion on the Ballot!’

This horrific backlash on our rights won’t let up without an organized, strong and visible feminist movement making demands’

by Danielle Johnson, National Women’s Liberation

National Women’s Liberation (NWL) is hosting their 9th annual fundraiser show themed “Abortion on the Ballot!” at The Backyard at Boca Fiesta & Palomino on Sunday, Oct. 15. Doors are at 5:30pm and the all-ages show kicks off at 6:30pm. 

The event will feature local bands Wax Wings, Uncle Mosie, Parker Road, and DJ Wild Creatrix; raffles and surprise swag bags with gifts from local businesses; and information on getting involved in the feminist fight. Ticket price is a sliding scale donation of $10 to $20. 

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Movement to repeal WEP-GPO penalty grows: Tell Congress to pass ‘The Social Security Fairness Act’Movement to repeal WEP-GPO penalty grows:

by Mary Savage

Retirees, labor union leaders, and others in the American body politic are stepping forward to say now is the time for the 118th Congress to pass The Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82/S. 597. In 1977 and 1983, Congress enacted legislation reducing Social Security benefits of certain public sector employees through the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Today, those who worked at the local, state, and federal levels in all 50 states are experiencing retirement with less money to live on after contributing to the Social Security system but having been penalized by the WEP-GPO.

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WGOT’s last stand: Is community radio sustainable?

By Fred Sowder, WGOT Station Coordinator 

Here at your community radio station, fundraising has been our top priority as of late. We had quite a successful Facebook fundraiser and would love to finally have a proper 15th birthday party benefit, should the right situation arise with interested bands and a venue. 

We’ve recently held events such as yard sales to raise funds in addition to the usual online revenue generators (Patreon, GoFundMe, Venmo, etc.). The bottom line is that other sources of funding that we’ve relied on in the past have since dried up and we’re in a desperate need of that revenue replacement. 

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Florida Free Speech Forum speakers: Nathan Crabbe on climate change, Dakeyan Graham on EquityFlorida

The Florida Free Speech Forum has changed the location of  its meetings to the Cone Park Branch Library at 2801 East University Ave., and that is where their upcoming meetings will be on Oct. 9 and Nov. 13.  Lunch is at 11:30am with the speaker portion of the event at noon.

The October speaker will be Nathan Crabbe speaking on ““Communicating about climate change: Informing the public about the threats we face – and what to do about them.” Nathan is editor of The Invading Sea, a website featuring news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The website is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies. Nathan worked for The Gainesville Sun from 2005-2022. He served for most of that time as the paper’s opinion and engagement editor. He also covered the University of Florida and environmental beats as a reporter.

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Update on the GRU takeover

Judge says: ‘City lacks standing to challenge this law in court’  

by Wes Wheeler

Republican legislators Keith Perry and Chuck Clemons orchestrated a local bill, HB 1645, in the 2023 legislative session that stripped control of Gainesville’s public utility, transferring GRU governance to the Florida Governor though a gubernatorial appointed “Authority.”

Multiple plaintiffs, including local concerned citizens organized as Gainesville Residents United, Inc., and The City of Gainesville are seeking separate suits, alleging multiple constitutional, statutory, and procedural illegalities and defects. 

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