United Nations Day, Oct. 10

by Lisa Renner

The Gainesville Chapter of the United Nations Association invites you to join us for our annual UN Day Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 10, from 9a.m.–1p.m. at the Gainesville Woman’s Club.

Our theme this year is “Why the World Still Needs the UN and Why the UN Needs the World.”

Our UN Day Chair is Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn, Adjunct Associate Professor of African-American Studies at the University of Florida. The program will open with a panel discussion by Dr. Linda Cottler, Professor and Chair or the Department of Epidemiology, College of Medicine and College of Public Health and Health Professions, and Brian Mitchell, who worked with the non-profit Peacekeeping Operations Training Institute.

The Keynote Speaker is Stephen Karnik, Chief Administrative International Officer of the Baha’i Community at the United Nations and the European Union.

There will be a luncheon at the event as well, and co-sponsors and community organizations will have information tables set up.

If you are a member of an organization that would like to be a co-sponsor of the program, please send a suggested $25 donation to Lisa Renner at P.O. Box 358361, Gainesville, FL 358361, along with your completed Luncheon Reservation Form, no later than October 5.

As a Co-sponsor, your name will be listed in the program. Tables will be available if you wish to set up a display to inform the community of your activities. For access to a copy of the co-sponsor form and luncheon reservation form, email Lisa Renner at ejrenner@hotmail.com.

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