In December, Gainesville holiday events include the first Party for Progress! and the North Central Florida CLC Gainesville dinner.
The first Party for Progress! is on Dec. 3 at the Heartwood Soundstage (619 S. Main St.) from 5pm until 11pm. There’ll be a photo booth sponsored by Lauren Poe’s Dank Meme Stash, food, drinks, and raffle contests. A coalition of organizations are hosting including Alachua County Revolution, Alachua County Young Democrats, Alachua County Labor Coalition, Women’s March, Gainesville Area NOW, Central Florida Democratic Socialists of America, Lauren Poe’s Dank Meme Stash, Planned Parenthood, Civic Media Center, the Gainesville Iguana, Mama Trish and Heartwood Soundstage. You’ll have a chance to register/update your voter status and meet candidates running for local office.
On Monday, Dec. 11, from 6:30pm until 8pm, the North Central Florida Central Labor Council (CLC) hosts their annual holiday spaghetti dinner at the Senior Center/ElderCare of Alachua County (5701 NW 34th Street). This year guest speakers will be Gainesville Commissioner Harvey Ward, the President of the Florida Building & Construction Trades Council Theresa King, and Say Yes to Second Chances organizer Jhody Polk.
The dinner is free and open to anyone who believes in the labor movement. Feel free to bring friends, family and colleagues.