Pivot Toward War: US Missile Defense & the Weaponization of Space

25th Annual Space Organizing Conference & Protest
April 7-9, Huntsville, Alabama

The Global Network’s 25th anniversary Space Organizing Conference and Protest will take place on April 7-9 at the home of Redstone Arsenal and the Space & Missile Defense Command, also known as the “Pentagon of the South.”

The effort by the Trump administration to develop and deploy the next generation of Star Wars weapons will increase global instability and cost hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. The US Space Command has long maintained its mission is to create the technologies to ‘control and dominate’ space and the Earth below – ultimately on behalf of corporate interests. At this conference, citizens will learn about these issues and become involved in the international movement to keep space for peace.

Huntsville is the headquarters of the Space Command’s directorat for “missile defense.” Huntsville is also the manufacturing site for the PAC-3, SM-3 missile defense (MD) systems while the controversial THAAD is built in a nearby community. 

Fees: Registration for the conference will be on a sliding scale between $25-$75 (pay what you can afford). Lunch and supper on April 8 are included in the registration fee. More information is at:


Housing: A block of rooms at the Springhill Suites Hotel (745 Constellation Place Dr) in downtown Huntsville has been reserved for $99 per night (up to 6 persons per room). Contact us for details on reserving hotel rooms). The hotel has an airport shuttle from the Huntsville airport. The Lowe Mill meeting location is five minutes from the hotel. Limited home hospitality will also be available on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, including speakers and sponsors, go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1814332122171382/

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