Zero Waste Week 2022, Jan. 23-29

Join us for Zero Waste Week 2022, presented by by Zero Waste Gainesville, The Repurpose Project, and Life Unplastic, to celebrate the collaboration that makes Zero Waste successful. 

There are many ways to participate. Sign up for our daily newsletter, peruse online content, learn about the partnerships that make Zero Waste a reality, and attend our in-person event.

When: Jan. 23-29

Where: for online content

Keep an eye out for an in-person event at Reuse Planet (The Repurpose Project’s sister store).

Register here to receive a daily newsletter during Zero Waste Week:

Topics to be covered during the week: 

City of Gainesville Zero Waste Ordinance, Reusables to-go, Rescuing Edible Food, Composting, Reuse and Repurpose

Zero Waste Partners:

The City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Beaten Path Compost, Sierra Club Suwannee – St. Johns Group, We Are Neutral, NAACP ECJC, Working Food

Join us for seven days of Zero Waste education and activities.

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