Editors’ picks: News that didn’t fit

‘Better than Jesus’: How far will the cult of Trump go?
MAGA has been persuaded that Trump is the savior who will face down the demons
by Chauncey DeVega | Salon | March 2 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1979
It has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself. 

Biden and Sen. Sanders deliver remarks on lowering health care costs (35 minute video w/ transcript)
They describe successes, but there’s still much to do
MSNBC | April 3 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1981
At a White House event, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Pres. Joe Biden discuss their successes in lowering health care costs for Americans, their plans to keep doing so, and the evils of Big Pharma. Biden: “I promise you, with a democratic congress, Kamala and I will make Roe v Wade the law of the land again.”

Experts blast GOP’s plan to end recreational sex
‘You’re gonna love what the Manhattan DA has coming’
by Maya Boddie | AlterNet | Feb. 22 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1977
Legal experts have been warning that, aside from banning abortion, the GOP has even more plans to govern women’s bodies under a second Donald Trump administration. In a 2023 Politico report, journalist Michael Hirsh said that through Project 2025, they aim to defund the Department of Justice, dismantle the FBI, break up the Department of Homeland Security and eliminate the Departments of Education and Commerce. And that’s not all.

NAACP calls on Black student-athletes to boycott Florida public colleges over anti-DEI policy
‘If these institutions are unable to completely invest in those athletes, it’s time they take their talents elsewhere,’ the leader of the civil rights organization said
by Daniel Arkin | NBC News | March 11 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1955
The head of the NAACP called on Black student-athletes to reconsider their decisions to attend Florida public colleges and universities, challenging a new state policy that bars those institutions from using government funds on diversity, equity and inclusion programs. NAACP leader Derrick Johnson sent a letter to current and future student-athletes asking them to “choose wisely,” 10 days after UF eliminated all diversity, equity and inclusion positions in accordance with the new rule. 

Palestinians Will Remain on Palestinian Land
Jared Kushner (Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor during his presidency) joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to waterfront through forced displacement, but, if history is any judge, Palestinians will remain
by Vijay Prashad | Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research | ScheerPost | March 28 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1965
Jared Kushner is advising Israel to illegally shift even more Palestinians to al-Naqab, many of whom were originally pushed to Gaza from cities in parts of Palestine that are now within Israel. Prashad states that this is not only illegal, but that Israel’s violence has failed and Israel will continue to fail to intimidate and cleanse the region for the establishment of Greater Israel; it simply cannot eliminate the Palestinians.

The Gen Z Dems Renaissance is changing the game in Florida. It’s been a long time coming.
‘Gen Z Florida Democrats launch PAC to flip seats in 2024, ‘build a renewed bench’ for future cycles.
by JacksonofFL | Daily Kos | March 30 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1956
Jackson McMillan recognized a huge problem in the Democratic Party: the best and the brightest Gen Zers were leaving Democratic youth caucuses for campaigns or initiatives, leaving the caucus weaker, over and over. Enter: Florida Future Leaders, the joint PAC for Florida college and high school Democrats. Each year FFL hires and trains organizers on campuses, prioritizing downballot races and educating about the importance of local politics. When those youth leaders move on, a new crew has been trained and will be ready to take over.

The unimaginable horror of a Trump restoration
The dangers of a second MAGA term go far beyond the White House
by David Faris | Slate | March 26 | tinyurl.com/Iguana1976
A Trump restoration is in the works (called Project 25)  and it should feel like an existential threat to everyone who cares about liberal democracy and the incomplete, but tangible social, racial, and economic progress that has been made since the New Deal era. It doesn’t help that President Joe Biden’s manifest flaws are dangerously obscuring the scale of the threat of a second Trump term.

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