by joe courter
Soon after the City closed the Bo Diddley Plaza for construction March first, green screening went up around it. Fine. Then recently, the banners shown in the photo to the top right went up: 6 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 75 of them ringing the Plaza. You’d think there would be a city code about such tacky, ugly visual pollution. I guess not if the City does it.
At bottom right is the Coffee Shop banner the Rad Press Cafe had in front of the CMC. Had. City Codes Enforcement came by and said it had to go or they’d be fined. The Rad Press Cafe had just reopened and the sign was helping draw people in. This is beyond absurd. I mean, really!
(By the way, Rad Press Cafe is open 10 to 6, Monday thru Saturday, great teas and coffee. Good food. Lots to read. Internet. But no banner. Check them out.)