Gainesville votes March 14: We like Powell, Ward, Arreola

by Joe Courter

Election day is March 14, with early voting through Saturday, March 11.

On the back cover of the last Iguana, we covered the upcoming City of Gainesville election. Regarding District 2 (NW GNV), we stand with Harvey Ward over Sheryl Eddie and the oft-arrested Perry Clawson.

In District 3 (SW GNV), we are strongly with David Arreola against incumbent Craig Carter.

At press time for the January issue, At-Large City Commissioner Helen Warren did not have an opponent, and we speculated a challenge might come from the conservative side. But now she does have an opponent in the person of Jenn Powell, a young progressive woman who was a huge part of the local Bernie Sanders campaign.

I still believe Helen is a decent, solid and thoughtful person, and have considered her a friend for over 30 years, but I cannot ignore the opportunity to elect a bright young woman with a strong working-class outlook, and we would encourage voting for Jenn Powell.

The people of Gainesville win with either Helen or Jenn; they are both great human beings who care deeply about our community.

Additionally, speaking of bold young women, Layla Ruffino is on the ballot for election to the Micanopy City Commission on that same March 14 election day. She would be glad to get campaign support (as would the other candidates) and, if you live there, your vote. We endorse her and wish her the best of luck in the race.

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