by Joe Courter
First, be correctly registered to vote. This needs to be done by Oct 11. If you are still registered elsewhere, consider changing your registration to here. We need you. They can help you downtown at the Supervisor of Elections office (call 352-374-5252).
If so moved, early voting is a snap. Here’s the schedule:
– Monday, Oct. 24, to Saturday, Nov. 5, 9am to 6 pm
– Sunday, Nov. 6, 9am to 6pm (note that early voting on this day will take place only at the Supervisor of Elections Office)
Other early voting locations:
– Supervisor of Elections Office: 515 N. Main Street, Gainesville
– Millhopper Branch Library: 3145 NW 43rd St, Gainesville
– Tower Road Branch Library: 3020 SW 75th St
– Orange Heights Baptist Church: 16700 FL-26, Hawthorne
– Legacy Park Multipurpose Center: 15400 Peggy Rd, Alachua
– J. Wayne Reitz Union: 655 Reitz Union Drive, UF Campus, Gainesville
– Alachua County Agriculture and Equestrian Center: 23100 W Newberry Rd, Newberry
Vote Democrat
It is a longish ballot. Some of this is easy, considering how the Republicans have gerrymandered and gained control of this state, and the type of candidates they attract, We say vote Democrat every chance you get on the ballot. Whether with joy or out of practical duty, just do it. Trust me, they are better than the Republicans. Go with the D’s, and don’t be snookered by the Repubs’ nice guy ads on TV; most also have money to burn! The D vs R races are thoughout the ballot it as you go down the list.
There are a bunch of judges up for retention. None have major complaints against them, so do what you want.
There are five slots to be filled for the Soil and Water Conservation District, and they need some new blood. Vote #1 Vinson, #2 Trowell, #3 Boyer, #4 Renwick, and #5 Lee.
Non-partisan races are on the ballot in the City of Gainesville run-offs if you live there. AuBroncee Martin for circuit judge. We like Ward for mayor, and Ingle and Willits for city commission.
There are also state amendments on the ballot. We say YES on #1 (Limitation on the Assessment of Real Property Used for Residential Purposes), and NO on #2 (Abolishing the Constitution Revision Commission) and #3 (Additional Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Specified Critical Public Service Workforce).
There are two county referendums at the very end, both very important: NO on the first (Single-Member Districts in County Commission Elections), and YES on the second (Wild Spaces, Public Places).