Category Archives: Articles

City Commission to vote on future for historic center

The Thelma Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Ave. in Gainesville, was known as the Serviceman’s Center when it was built in 1942-43 for WWII soldiers to socialize, rest and relax before being sent to Europe the Pacific theater.  It is the only known building in the State of Florida built as a home away from home for servicemen during WWII by a City. 

Volunteer architects designed the building with two sections, the east wing and the auditorium.  The 1942 City Commission insisted on building both parts of the building. The City did not want the building proposed by Federal government. The City Commissioners won and the building that you see today was constructed with two parts.

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From the publisher… On building stuff

by Joe Courter

October is a month of beginnings for me. In 1969, when I was a freshman in college, it was the October 15 campus shutdowns and teach-ins across the country against the Viet Nam war. Those days elevated my consciousness and was life changing. As other articles in here report, both the Iguana and the Civic Media Center—two other touchstones in my life—made their debuts in October, 1986 and 1993 respectively. It got me thinking.

I remembered a brief moment at the old CMC which is frozen in my memory and relevant here. I was at the back door porch during a music show with others, and the topic came up of the recently arrived next door corporate bar and restaurant who been complaining about our shows and people hanging around out back. A young voice loudly said, “Where do they get off complaining about the CMC, they just got here and the CMC’s been here forever!” There was an implied stability and long-term-ness not quite right for our maybe five-year-old enterprise, but perception is in the eye of the beholder.

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The Gainesville Iguana: A brief history

by Joe Courter

The first Iguana appeared in October 1986. It was an outgrowth of the merging of three activist mailing lists at a time when there was a high level of local organizing stimulated by the world we were seeing unfold during the Reagan administration. 

I was producing a newsletter for the Humanist Society of Gainesville for years and had amassed a solid mailing list for them. The second mailing list had developed from the increased local (and national) organizing activities opposing Reagan’s Central America policies. The third came from a newsletter put out by the local Quaker organization. A merge and purge of duplicates resulted in a list of about six or seven hundred names. For the first five years the Iguana was a mailed-out newsletter only, multipage and photocopied to the people on this list.

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Brain Drain

Fascist state education policy trickling down to UF may be creating a brain drain, while Student Government mirrors draconian shifts in national politics

by Aron Ali-McClory, UF Young Democratic Socialists of America

It’s been around one year since autumn winds whisked Ben Sasse into the president’s office at UF, and yet, many of the uncertainties that loomed at the time still remain. 

In the time since the Board of Trustees pushed him through with a unanimous vote, Florida higher education has weathered a blistering legislative session that gutted funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, criminalized the existence of transgender students by forcing them to use the wrong bathroom, and threatened the existence of public unions like Graduate Assistants United and the United Faculty of Florida.

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October 2023 Gainesville Iguana

The October issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Editors’ picks: News that didn’t fit

A men’s movement takes reins in a nationwide quest to end abortion
Male-dominated network of militants, academics, attorneys, judges, activists lead drive to restrict, remove reproductive rights
by Sofia Resnick | Georgia Recorder | Sep 14 |
Wendell Shrock, a Tennessee street preacher, doesn’t believe in condoms. “We should leave the uterus to God,” the street preacher from Tennessee says. Overwhelmingly, men are driving the quest to restrict and remove women’s reproductive rights in as many states as possible.

Congress starts trying to figure out how to set AI ‘rules of the road’
Congress should pursue comprehensive standards for companies developing, depoloying AI to ensure consumers are protected
by Jacob Fischler | Florida Phoenix | Sep 13 |
The development of artificial intelligence presents far-reaching challenges for virtually every aspect of modern society, including campaigns, national security and journalism. Political operatives could use AI to impersonate opposing candidates. And there are risks to national security if the United States falls behind China or other adversarial countries in developing AI. 

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Civic Media Center turns 30 in October

by Joe Courter

A quick update on the Civic Media Center as it approaches its 30th (!) anniversary on Oct. 18 …

While not doing as many public events post-COVID, it is host to a lot of organizing and many folks are plugging in to advance social justice work. 

Dozens of people help with Free Grocery Store on Tuesdays. Evening events include Books 2 Prisoners, anti-incarceration organizing, the weekly poetry jam, and occasional live music. 

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Stop gun violence! Justice for AJ OwensStop gun violence!

by Nelida Esther Jean-Baptiste Pellot

In June, AJ Owens, a Black woman, was shot by a white neighbor in Ocala after the neighbor threw a roller skate and swung an umbrella at Owens’s two sons (ages 10 and 12) for reportedly being too loud. 

When Owens attempted to confront the neighbor by knocking on her door, she was shot through the door in the chest and died from her injuries. 

Owens’s family is pushing for hate crime charges, but currently the charges stand at manslaughter with a firearm (in addition to culpable negligence, battery, and assault. 

Gainesville gathered to honor Owens on Aug. 2, and the text below is a reflection on that gathering and the plague of gun violence. 

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History and the people who make it: Sophia Threat (part 2)

This is part 2 of a 2017 interview with Ms. Sophia Threat (T) of Groveland, Florida, by Deidre Houchen (H). It provides insight on how history is remembered, on the role that race plays within the carceral system, and the ways history can better be respected. Transcript edited by Donovan Carter.

H: What are your memories of growing up in Groveland other than workin’ in the groves?

T: For me it was good. We were back in the [19]70s, but for me it was good.

H: By good, you mean you enjoyed your childhood, you have happy memories?

T: Oh yeah, oh yeah. Happy memories.

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The Hippodrome Cinema reopens after renovations

by Matthew Cugini, Hipp Cinema Program Manager

The Hippodrome Cinema, still located right in the heart of downtown Gainesville, has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the support of the Wild Spaces & Public Places sales tax. With a rising number of residents in town and the further development of the historic downtown area, this project could not have come soon enough.

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Gainesville Roller Rebels are back and better than ever!

Come watch the All-Stars take on Swan City Roller Derby in the last bout of the 2023 season on Saturday, Oct. 7 at 6:30pm at the MLK Jr. Multipurpose Center at 1028 NE 14th St. in Gainesville.

Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Kids 12 and under get in FREE. Pick up tickets from Loosey’s  at 120 SW 1st Ave. in Gainesville or purchase them online at Brown Paper Tickets. 

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Florida Free Speech Forum events: 9/11, 10/9

Janet Coats, Managing Director of the Consortium of Trust in Media and Technology will be the Florida Free Speech Forum speaker on Monday, Sept. 11, at 11:30am.  

Coats has been at the forefront of the seismic shifts in journalism and information culture over the last 25 years. She’s led large multimedia news organizations, done groundbreaking work in civic engagement and reader outreach, and built her own consulting company focused on engagement and sustainability strategies for non-profit and entrepreneurial news organizations. She is the Managing Director of the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology, UF College of Journalism.  

It is too late to reserve lunch for the September meeting, but entry is free if not eating.

The speaker for Monday, Oct. 9, is Nathan Crabbe. His presentation will be on “Communicating about climate change: Informing the public about the threats we face—and what to do about them.” 

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Acrosstown Repertory Theatre kicks off 42nd season in new home 

by Chelsea Wilson, Treasurer, Acrosstown Repertory Theatre 

The Acrosstown’s new location, Suite O of the Creekside Mall, is on the southwest corner of West 34th Street and University Ave. 

Surrounded by restaurants and shopping, the Board of Directors is excited to bring a new energy to this location in the heart of west Gainesville. The space, formerly a yoga studio, was converted into a 50-seat theater by a team of volunteers in just two months’ time. 

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Gary Gordon to teach at SFC this fall

1763-1815: American Revolution / Screenwriting Feature-Length

As part of Santa Fe College’s fall community education classes, Gary Gordon—author, musician, and former Gainesville City Commissioner—will teach “1763-1815: American Revolution” and “Screenwriting Feature-Length.” 

1763-1815: American Revolution
Revolution, Declaration, Constitution, Union … 

Many people think of the American Revolution as the Boston Tea Party, the battles at Lexington and Concord, the Declaration of Independence, Valley Forge, and the British surrender at Yorktown. They think of Washington and Jefferson and maybe John Adams and Benedict Arnold. But there’s more to it than that. 

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Future of Gainesville’s open container ordinance

by Danny Hughes, Loosey’s Downtown

I remember the first time I said it out loud at a special planning meeting with the city. 

It was late April 2020, when COVID-19 was in full swing. Businesses, especially in the restaurant industry, were STRUGGLING. And my restaurant, Loosey’s, was certainly no exception. The day after Florida officially hit the panic button regarding COVID-19 I laid off all but four of my staff of 22. 

This was bad. We hoped that “two weeks to stop the curve” was true, but after a few weeks it became obvious that there was not relief in the form of reopening inside coming anytime soon and we had to make a change. Adapt or die.

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Climate Summit to build Climate Action agenda, Sept. 30

by Alachua County Branch NAACP, Environmental and Climate Justice Committee 

The ongoing extreme weather events we are witnessing should serve as a loud wake-up call to Planet Earth. We have been hitting the snooze button too many times; it is time to roll out of bed, put our feet on the ground, and get to work addressing the climate emergency unfolding outside our windows.

We can no longer ignore the clear evidence that continuing business as usual will create unmanageable problems for all present and future generations. We must act now, and act effectively, to avoid the consequences of having powered our civilization by burning fossil fuels for more than two hundred years.

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Gainesville’s battle over heritage oaksGainesville’s battle

by Angela Wilson with Arbor Conscious Tree Service

Gainesville is a Tree City. With 60 percent canopy cover, our city has one of the most cohesive canopies in Florida, but even a Tree City must provide adequate sidewalk spaces for its citizens. Recently, four heritage oak trees—two Live Oaks and two Shumard Oaks—have sparked a conversation around town about the public sidewalk space we all share.

Early in the summer of 2023, after a trip and fall lawsuit was filed, an investigation revealed the sidewalks along SE 1st Ave. and SE 1st St. were not up to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility code. The ADA code states all sidewalks must be at least 36 inches wide to provide an accessible route. The ADA code supersedes the Gainesville City Code of Ordinance that protects heritage trees within the city limits with permitting and resident notification. Certainly, these sidewalks were built originally up to code, so what had happened to prompt this lawsuit?

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GRACE’s street outreach saves lives

by Jon DeCarmine
Executive Director, GRACE Marketplace

There is perhaps no program that has a bigger impact on the quality of life—for housed and unhoused people alike—in Gainesville than GRACE’s street outreach program. 

This five-person team meets people where they are, literally, to provide services, housing, and other support to people who can’t, or won’t, seek shelter. 

The program launched in 2021, intent on capturing the spirit of the HOME Van, a long-standing Gainesville institution. 

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Election worker orientations scheduled

by Supervisor of Elections Office

With the 2024 Presidential Election cycle beginning in less than a year, the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections is recruiting election workers to serve their community at county polling places and early voting locations.

The office is seeking new election workers and thus will host an election worker orientation session in September, October and November. Space is limited.

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Florida Rights Restoration Coalition fights for voting rights for formerly convicted felons

by Jack Kulas

In early August, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Mississippi’s lifetime voting ban for felons who committed certain enumerated crimes violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. 

In the decision, the judges wrote, “Mississippi denies this precious right to a large class of its citizens, automatically, mechanically, and with no thought given to whether it is proportionate as punishment for an amorphous and partial list of crimes.” 

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