by Joe Courter
Usually the Civic Media Center shows a documentary film on Mondays, but this December 1 things will be a bit different. There is a two-person play entitled “Go Granny D!” It presents, in her own words and with narration, the story of Doris Haddock’s, AKA Granny D’s, 1999 walk across the U.S. from LA to DC at the ripe old age of 90 to promote campaign finance reform.
The actors performing are Barbara Bates Smith and Jeff Sebens, and they will be coming down to Florida to support another walker for campaign finance reform, 81-year-old Rhana Bazzini, AKA Rhana B, as she concludes HER walk from Sarasota to Tallahassee, which will culminate with events in Tallahassee on December 3. Details of Rhana’s walk and Granny D’s life can be found at
With Jeff providing music and narration, and Barbara Jo alternately presenting talks Granny D made as well as reading from Granny D’s journal, you follow her across the country, meeting people famous and not, with wit, insight, and concise observation. The play will be at 7pm on Monday, December 1, and donations are requested to help underwrite their travels. The CMC is at 433 S. Main St. in Downtown Gainesville. If you were one of the many who worked on or supported the nonbinding referendum on our ballot against corporate personhood, this play is for you!