There have been big changes in the world of media since the CMC opened its doors in 1993. The internet was brand new then, and people needed places (i.e., the CMC) to access it. Now it is pervasive, and devices to use it are common. The internet also has a vast, VAST storehouse of documentary and regular film, music and spoken word recordings. In fact, the CMC’s VHS and audio cassette collections are now in storage, whereas they were central to the collection before.
Books they’ve got, yes; thousands lining the walls; a stunning collection augmented by the large donation of his personal library by Florida author and folklorist Stetson Kennedy.
So here in 2017, what is the CMC’s role in the community? This has not changed: a vital community space for meetings, discussions, and organizing. A place for music and art that is not a bar or museum. A counter-cultural place where marginalized people can find acceptance and thrive. And WGOT is in the process of moving their studios into the CMC building.
BIG NEWS: The CMC has been taken under the wing of another local 501(c)3 non-profit while reapplying for theirs. Those of you who can donate, may send tax deductible checks to the CMC at 433 S. Main St. Gainesville, FL 32601. Make checks out to NUBA, earmarked for the CMC. (NUBA is Neighborhoods United for a Better Alachua, a 501(c)3 organization which shares similar goals to the CMC.)
Community support is another vital constant, especially true in the summer. Visit to learn more.