by Joe Courter
The Civic Media Center is still in a holding pattern awaiting the ability to safely open up.
The Free Grocery Store is still using the space for their food distribution twice a week. JoJo Sacks, our coordinator, has been doing a great job with setting up various online events, handling the sales of Slingshot Organizers, as well as working with and helping keep the CMC Board informed as to what’s going on.
Various fundraising efforts have also been successful using social media such as Facebook for birthday fundraisers. Big thanks to Iguana subscribers who have been generous, as subscriptions/donations over $20 are split 50/50 with the CMC.
Support the 501(c)3 nonprofit CMC; we still have rent and utilities to pay. Use the CMC PayPal at or good old snail mail with a check to CMC, 433 S. Main St., Gainesville, FL 32601. Future and past events are on our Facebook page.
On Zoom, we have upcoming volunteer meetings on Jan. 14 and 28 at 5:30pm, and a program on DIY Art Spaces at 7pm on Monday, Jan. 18. Email with any questions.