Category Archives: Articles

Zero Waste Week 2022, Jan. 23-29

Join us for Zero Waste Week 2022, presented by by Zero Waste Gainesville, The Repurpose Project, and Life Unplastic, to celebrate the collaboration that makes Zero Waste successful. 

There are many ways to participate. Sign up for our daily newsletter, peruse online content, learn about the partnerships that make Zero Waste a reality, and attend our in-person event.

When: Jan. 23-29

Where: for online content

Keep an eye out for an in-person event at Reuse Planet (The Repurpose Project’s sister store).

Register here to receive a daily newsletter during Zero Waste Week:

Topics to be covered during the week: 

City of Gainesville Zero Waste Ordinance, Reusables to-go, Rescuing Edible Food, Composting, Reuse and Repurpose

Zero Waste Partners:

The City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Beaten Path Compost, Sierra Club Suwannee – St. Johns Group, We Are Neutral, NAACP ECJC, Working Food

Join us for seven days of Zero Waste education and activities.

Matheson History Museum Exhibition

We’re Tired of Asking: Black Thursday and Civil Rights at the University of Florida

Researched and curated by University of Florida graduate Alana Gomez, “We’re tired of asking: Black Thursday and civil rights at the University of Florida” follows one slice of African American history in Gainesville, but certainly not all of Gainesville’s Black history. 

The goal in this particular exhibition is to show the Civil Rights movement in Gainesville, Florida, from the 1960s until the early ’70s and how that affected the University of Florida’s racial atmosphere. 

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The fight continues to save Maguire Village/University Village South graduate housing

by Save UF Grad Housing

It perhaps was overshadowed by all of the other crises UF is facing, but at December’s UF Board of Trustees meeting, several graduate representatives spoke out against the awful plan to destroy Maguire/UVS graduate-family housing. Despite this, UF officials are still ignoring the ultimate request—not to “replace” our wonderful apartments with others off campus, but to reinvest in what we have and maintain Maguire/UVS for years to come!

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United Campus Workers of Florida comes to UF

by United Campus Workers of Florida (UCW UF)

After decades of not having a voice, and nearly two years of working through a global pandemic, staff and adjuncts of the University of Florida have formed a union. We are proud to announce the creation of United Campus Workers of Florida (UCW UF) as a chapter of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), one of the largest unions in the United States. Now we will be speaking for ourselves. A top 5 university needs a top 5 union to represent the interests of the people who make such an exalted standing possible, the workers. We are seeking greater fairness and equity in all aspects of our jobs, from hiring and retention to benefits and pay. 

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The CAC: It’s all about culture, arts and coalition building by the Environmental Ambassadors Youth Group

by Carol Mosley

If you don’t know of the Cultural Arts Coalition (CAC), you’ve been missing out on a whole lotta good news about dedicated youth and hope for the future. Cofounder and Executive Director NKwanda Jah is a dynamo who collects children under her wings and lets them know this beautiful world is full of wonder just waiting for them to find their niche.

The CAC was founded in 1983 and is housed at the Wilhelmina Johnson Resource Center in Gainesville. Emery “Chucky” Carter, a participant in this year’s Kwanzaa celebration, reflected on the importance of the programs at WJRC in his youth. Chucky said the WJRC gave the kids a place to get off the streets and was “a place to go where somebody would pat you on the back and say, ‘Hey, you’re a good kid’ versus a lot of what we heard out in the streets. I don’t think I would be the person I am if it wasn’t for those times I spent [at WJRC.]”

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WGOT presents 24-hour fundraising Omicronathon

by Fred Sowder, WGOT Station Coordinator

The pandemic has greatly affected a lot of individuals and organizations financially. WGOT, the Civic Media Center’s community radio station, is no different. 

Each year around this time, 100.1FM WGOT has celebrated its birthday with a fundraiser at The Atlantic with a full slate of some of the best local musical talent Gainesville has to offer. 

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From the publisher … Moving forward into 2022

by Joe Courter

Years ago I saw a play called Rhinoceros at the Hippodrome Theater downtown that really stuck with me. Written by Eugene Ionesco in 1959, it centers around the disturbing nature of group think, as the lead character experiences his fellow citizens slowly transform into rather disturbing people resembling rhinoceros with horns and greenish skin, and not quite like they used to be. While it expressed the playwright’s dark satire of the acceptance of authoritarian power in his native Romania in pre-WWII and in post-WWII France, I can’t help but feel like its premise is alive today. 

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Dr. James Thompson finally gets that PhD

In October 2021, the Iguana ran a moving testimonial to James Thompson following his untimely death. What follows, written by his brother John, relates the moving and profound awarding to James his posthumous doctorate at the UF graduation ceremony in December.

by John Thompson

My late brother James Thompson left something undone. He ran a race with a fierce pace, but then stopped at the finish line and refused to cross. There are stories we craft to protect ourselves. They are grand stories, some that even elevate us around those that admire and love us. Woven in the fabric seamlessly, they become badges.

James was a PhD candidate at the University of Florida in the late ’90s and early ’00s. For reasons equal parts personal and political, James never paid UF a technical fee to file his dissertation and receive his diploma. After James’s death in August, it was decided by his friends, family, and former advisers that he should receive, posthumously, the diploma he had earned while he was living. At the ceremony, I would walk the stage on his behalf.   

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City election runoff, Jan. 25: Vote Chestnut

by Joe Courter

Oh well, with ranked choice voting this would all have been done, but so it goes. 

The Nov. 16 special election for the seat on the City Commission abandoned by Gail Walker came down to a runoff between Cynthia Chestnut and Matt Howland. 

Early voting for the seat will take place on Jan. 21 and 22, and Election Day is Tuesday, Jan. 25.  

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UF students need to fight Tallahassee’s political grip

by Allan Frasheri, President, UF YDSA

“Every single thing we do — as a board, as an administration, as faculty, as University of Florida employees and officials — Everything MUST have our students as our number one priority. Our job is to give our amazing students a top-five university education.” 

This is how Mori Hosseini, chair of UF’s Board of Trustees, started the Board of Trustees meeting on Dec. 3. He continues, “Unfortunately, we learned a couple years ago, that we had a small number of faculty members who were not carrying out the responsibilities of their jobs here. They were not putting the students first. In fact, they were using university time, resources, and sometimes even our students to benefit outside jobs and positions from which the faculty were personally profiting directly.”

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January/February 2022 Iguana

The January-February issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

CMC Soft Reopening

by Joe Courter

We tried back in August entertaining the notion of slowly reopening the Civic Media Center as a public space, but then Delta showed up and we went back into our shell, with just Free Grocery Store, Books for Prisoners, bi-weekly volunteer meetings and occasional other meetings. 

But recently the collections committee has resumed meeting, and of course we had our anniversary program Oct. 18 with an intentionally small in-person audience of volunteers for Sandra Parks and the “Stetson Kennedy, A Life of Purpose” program. That was streamed on Zoom and Facebook, and can still be seen on the CMC Facebook page.

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Spotlight on … Florida Coalition for Peace and Social Justice

The Florida Coalition for Peace and Social Justice provides space for meetings, retreats, workshops, camps, and educational activities that promote peace, human rights and social justice awareness, conflict resolution, self-empowerment programs and environmental discovery and awareness. 

The organization was founded in 1982 in Orlando, and the Geiger family donated land located in Bradford County in the 1990s to serve as a meeting facility for peace activism and youth. 

The land serves as a location for meetings, demonstrations, workshops, and retreats sponsored by the Coalition including annual summer peace camps for youth and young adults. 

The Coalition’s annual meeting will take place on Nov. 13 at 10am at 10665 SW 89th Ave., Hampton, FL, 32044. 

For more information, visit or call 352-603-3680.

Dr. Paul Ortiz to speak at Sunday Assembly

Dr. Paul Ortiz, director of the award-winning Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, will be the guest speaker at Sunday Assembly, on Sunday, Nov. 21, at 11am.

The title of his talk will be “Defending History: The Struggle to Tell Historical Truths in the United States.” 

The event will be held at the Pride Center in the Liberty Center, 3131 NW 13th Street, Gainesville. 

Masks are required for those not fully vaccinated. 

For more info, contact:

History and the people who make it: Ilena Rotundo Camilo

Ilena Rotundo Camilo [C], the Founding Mother of Gamma Eta Sorority, Incorporated, who worked on creating a more inclusive and diverse community on the University of Florida Campus and beyond, was interviewed by an unknown interviewer [U] on July 15, 2018. The sorority was founded in1995.

Transcript edited by Donovan Carter. 

This is an excerpt from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program – Latinx Diaspora of the Americas Project (LDAP) Collection, and the 69th in a series from the SPOHP collection.

U: What gave you the idea to create a sorority on campus? 

C: Well, at the time, the Hispanic population was not as noticeable at the university. I heard over and over that all the Latina girls want to try to fit in somewhere, but it was a bit difficult, and because it was something new and there were more of us than there were before, people weren’t as welcoming as all the other ladies. There wasn’t anything where Hispanic women would fit in. 

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Free First Saturday at Appleton Museum of Art

Date: December 4
Time: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: 4333 E Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala
Admission: Free on the first Saturday of each month

Practice the art of staycation and visit our permanent collection and special exhibitions. Or, make art in the Artspace and enjoy our beautiful outdoor spaces with large-scale sculpture (perfect for selfies!).

Big Lee’s BBQ food truck will be onsite for lunch 11am-2 pm. 

Signs of the times: Plaques acknowledge Gainesville’s troubling past

by Joe Courter

Gainesville is the only city in Florida to drop Columbus Day in favor of honoring Indigenous Peoples Day. A plaque was installed in the city hall square with the following words:

We remember them with compassion
Naebahiono manta nahiabotanicano

Gainesville is part of the traditional homelands of the Potano people, a Timucua-speaking society. The Timucua people lived here since time immemorial. 

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The Wilder Heart of Florida: Conservation conversations with authors

As part of Alachua Conservation Trust’s Keep Florida Wild Virtual Series, we invite you to join us on Nov. 18 from 6 to 7:30pm for an engaging presentation on conservation and literature. 

During this webinar, we will hear from the authors and editors of The Wilder Heart of Florida

Following the presentation, there will be a question and answer session with our speakers. Speakers include Gianna Russo, Margaret Ross Tolbert, Leslie Poole, and Jack E. Davis.

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New petition seeks to save Maguire/University Village South, asks to reinvest, not replace historic graduate housing villages

by the Save Maguire/UVS Team

UF is still trying to bulldoze our homes, but we are not giving up!

Since October, a new online petition has called for the permanent protection of the 348 affordable apartment units of UVS/Maguire Village Graduate and Family Housing at the University of Florida, as UF seeks to demolish them in 2023. (Go to

For a couple years, UF has falsely claimed that these homes have no value or are becoming worn out, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

These desirable, peaceful, culturally diverse communities and the 27 acres of trees and serene nature are one of UF’s greatest assets. Protecting these family-friendly villages and incredible green spaces for future generations of Gators is in the best interest of the university and the graduate students who will utilize them for years to come.

Specifically, the petition asks that UF:

1. Immediately reverse the decision to close Maguire/UVS.

2. Open up all apartments there to new residents, investing as necessary to make all units fully safe and habitable.

3. Provide all non-disclosed documents related to the premature closure decision, and conduct a transparent third-party public appraisal to determine their long-term viability and the investment needed to maintain these treasured buildings.

4. Investigate campus housing policies and staff for misrepresentation of facts, which led to the hastily made closure decision, to ensure this never happens again.

According to residents, these are the best apartments in Florida and deserve saving, so it is shameful to think that UF would completely demolish both villages, removing almost 40 percent of all graduate housing without any public (and graduate student) input, but that is indeed the case—but there is still hope.

The UF Board of Trustees, and subcommittees that help make recommendations to them, can still reverse the decision by a simple vote (as they did with the McCarty Woods amendment to the Campus Master Plan in June 2021). This is our immediate request, because the longer they wait, the more stress it puts on students currently living there, and those hoping to move in.

Likewise, the City of Gainesville and Alachua County commissions have a say in the final approval of the updated Campus Development Agreement (CDA) with UF (which includes the revised maps that put Maguire/UVS on the chopping block), so we ask that these bodies DO NOT APPROVE IT without first requiring the removal of that section. 

Even asking that UF make grad housing a “priority” is not enough, and actually detrimental, because it gives UF cover to continue with their plans to replace our homes with alternatives that are not wanted. 

There is no harm if these commissions simply postpone their final vote until UF complies, because the existing CDA will simply remain in effect. UF has yet to produce a shred of evidence that these changes are absolutely necessary, and in some cases, has outright lied.

It is unclear when it started, but UF has kept many would-be residents from moving in for a couple years, despite the units being safe, clean, and recently renovated. Furthermore, UF Housing leadership has refused to respond to legitimate inquiries into their decision making, and never considered the opinions of graduate students when promoting the closure of these villages (slated for Spring 2023). 

These administrators have repeatedly misrepresented facts regarding the quality and benefit of these units, and never fully produced any credible evidence for their closure at this time. 

In this way, the people who should be looking out for the well-being of students and advocating against closing our campus housing options are instead fighting against the students who most need protecting. 

These pompous administrators have chosen to shirk their responsibilities, causing harm to vulnerable students, and because of that, we demand an investigation into their actions and that those responsible be fired.

Furthermore, the two main reasons given for the destruction of these buildings are both flawed, namely:  (1) that they are not economically feasible to maintain, and (2) that putting empty recreation fields in their place will somehow “improve the student experience.”

The second flawed point is easily rebuffed by noting that the UF body representing ALL students (undergrads and grad students, totaling more than 50,000 people) unanimously passed a resolution decrying the destruction of these villages in 2021. Indeed, students see more value in keeping these as homes than in adding a couple more soccer fields (in an area already full of other fields).

No detailed evidence has been provided to justify the first flawed point either, despite numerous inquiries. 

As a place of rigorous academic standards, we are asking simply for the housing administration to “show their work.” 

In the absence of proof, they have failed the University’s students, staff, faculty, and governing bodies, and should be held accountable. And even if it is shown that it will cost some amount of money to maintain these buildings, we ask that UF make that investment, as is being done with numerous other campus buildings, including new undergraduate dorms.

If UF wishes to attract and maintain top talent, they need to consider undergraduate and graduate students alike. Destroying almost half of grad housing while spending hundreds of millions on new undergrad housing is not a balanced approach.

We would be remiss if we did not also mention that the carbon footprint of the decision to destroy 44 apartment buildings and hundreds of trees would be immense, and could be reason in and of itself to save this ecologically important area.

These spacious villages with large patios and balconies provide a needed respite for graduate students, and we demand they be saved. In no instance should the entire natural area be cleared of all trees, nor should the value or history of these buildings be considered interchangeable with off-campus living. 

These are not just buildings, but homes, and if they are lost, a big part of UF’s culture will be lost, as hundreds of families’ lives will be disrupted immediately, and thousands of hearts of former residents broken. 

Please help save Maguire/UVS. There is no substitute. 

To learn more about the organization behind the petition and this article, visit or email

UF SG fall elections: Challenging the entrenched system

by Alfredo Ortiz

When people hear news about the University of Florida’s Student Government (SG), they usually dismiss it as yet another example of pervasive inactivity and corruption. Very few students are inspired to participate in SG because students are generally uninformed of the power that SG holds at the local, state, and national levels. 

However, not everyone fails to recognize SG’s influence. For decades, a coalition of fraternities and sororities have used SG as a launchboard for their political careers. The most recent of these examples was the use of student funds to finance a Trump re-election event after the Student Body President’s father had maxed out contributions to Trump’s campaign, which we protested vigorously.

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