Category Archives: Articles

Public education under new threats

By Olysha Magruder

It’s hard to believe there was a time when not all children had access to a free, public education in our country. Yet, up until the mid-1800s, public education was not widespread in the United States. Schools were largely privatized for wealthy children and poor children were sent to “charity” schools meant to teach them ways not to be social menaces. During this time in the history of our country, not everyone believed education was a necessity for all children, but long years of organizing and advocating brought quality education to most children in the U.S.

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The people have spoken on water and wetlands: pass WQPO


We must pass a County-wide Water Quality/Protection Ordinance (WQPO) on January 23 or much of the wise growth and conservation elements of the County Comprehensive Plan will be effectively gutted. On that evening it will be the duty of County Commissioners to uphold the November 2000 Charter Amendment 1 in which over 70 percent of voters, 46 of 53 precincts, entrusted its five elected officers with governance over the incorporated and unincorporated watershed and wetlands. This system nourishes hundreds of thousands of citizens in and around Alachua County, and millions across the State of Florida.

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Take action to protect Alachua County’s water and air

by Mike Byerly, Alachua County Commissioner

If you have only enough time or motivation to attend one government meeting in 2018 in defense of our environment, make it Jan. 23, 5 pm, at the County Administration building. The stakes are high, and turnout could make the difference.

Alachua County is a “charter county.” That means we have a charter, sort of like a constitution, that is the ultimate law on certain matters, and it can only be changed by popular vote.

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Gainesville Food Justice Study Group announces February reading selection: Will meet February 22 at CMC

The Food Justice Study Group, coordinated by Florida Organic Growers (FOG), will meet February 22 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Civic Media Center in downtown Gainesville. The meeting is free and open to the public, though FOG encourages anyone willing and able to make a donation to the Civic Media Center.

The reading selections for the month include Garrett M. Broad’s More than Just Food: Food Justice and Community Change, published by the University of California Press in 2016.

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Honor Indigenous Peoples of North Central Florida

by W. Gilbert

Please honor the Timucan People who once lived in this area by removing the Rodman Dam and re-naming Newnans Lake.

The dam should be removed for several reasons:

  • It would allow the Ocklawaha River to flow naturally to give us the natural beauty and benefits the Timucan people of long ago enjoyed.
  • It would allow once again the migration of fish and manatees. 
  • It would reveal and bring to life the 20-plus lost springs in the river that artist and environmentalist Margaret Ross Tolbert revealed to us with her community presentations about The Lost Springs of Florida.
  • The restored area would be a jewel for our Ocklawaha River Watershed and a shining example for the State of Florida in the restoration of damaged natural environment.  By removing the dam, nature will quickly repair the area.
  • The watershed, the ‘Real Florida’ will then be a natural attraction and bring many eco-tourists, benefiting everyone — particularly local residents.
  • Recognize and honor the Timucan People who once lived in this area by renaming Newnans Lake  –  Lake Pithlachocco as it was called by the Timucan People.

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Florida textbook attack

A new state law requires school boards to appoint a “hearing officer” to hold hearings for any and every complaint filed against any book, video, etc., used in any pubic classroom.

Climate change denialism, creationism, and “American Exceptionalism” advocacy group Florida Citizens Alliance, which promoted (and claims to have written) this law, already has volunteers (trained by a Texas tea-party-style textbook pressure group) in numerous counties.

Knowing better than to provoke the formidable scientific and historical UF faculty, FCA has so far made no moves in Alachua County, but has begun a crusade against politically-incorrect facts in Marion County.

See the Florida Citizens for Science blog at The Marion Couty report is at:

Divest our tax dollars from fossil fuels, private prisons

by Marina Smerling, Divest Gainesville

The divestment movement across the country is growing. In city after city, the people are asking their city officials to take note: it’s time to divest our public money from fossil fuels, private prisons, and the disenfranchisement of Native peoples that allowed the Dakota Access Pipeline to be approved at Standing Rock.

Earlier this year, Native organizers in the wake of Dakota Access re-energized the divestment and boycott movements ignited by civil rights activists decades ago, calling on our cities to pull their funds from the banks that fail our public values by funding pipelines and private prison and detention centers. In Seattle, organizers successfully campaigned for Seattle to withdraw its $3 billion in funds from Wells Fargo. Davis and Santa Monica, California, followed suit, and similar campaigns are now underway in numerous cities across the country.

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Wild & Scenic Film Festival will show Earth’s challenges

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System Act and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Florida Trail Association (FTA) is proud to present: the Wild & Scenic Film Festival (WSFF) on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 5 to 10 pm at the Swamp Head Brewery in Gainesville.

This outdoor screening will offer a unique program of environmental and adventure films that illustrate the Earth’s beauty. They will show the challenges facing our planet and the communities working to protect it. Viewers will climb the highest peaks and trek across the globe with adventure films from around the world and witness how individuals and communities across the globe are taking action.

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Beehive Design Collective visits CMC

by Joe Courter

On Tuesday, Jan. 2, the Civic Media Center hosted a presentation with two speakers from the Beehive Design Collective. Beehive Design is a volunteer-driven non-profit arts organization that uses graphical media as educational tools to communicate stories of resistance to corporate globalization.

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From the publisher … Make America Grate Again

by Joe Courter

Grate; Definition (verb)
1. To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface.
2. To cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound through friction.
3. To irritate or annoy persistently.

In the past year as president, Donald Trump has been basically the same guy we anticipated he would be after seeing him in action over the decades, and especially on the campaign trail. For many reasons, which I will not go into here, this country elected a very unhinged and unstable man/child to the highest office in the land. There’s no surprises in Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. It is the confirmation of what we all feared it might be like to have this self-promoting conman as Commander in Chief; the only surprise is that it took this long to pull back the curtain and reveal it.

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Women’s March anniversary event: Power to the polls!

Women’s March Florida has planned four regional anniversary events to take place on Jan. 21 in Orlando, Jacksonville, St. Pete, and Miami. Chapters have been working non-stop since November to plan and prepare these events. You can expect exciting speakers on relevant subjects related to Women’s March Unity Principles, music, voter registration drive, and large crowds of allies marching again in solidarity for our vision of a country that is healthy, fair, and kind.

We want to remind the country that we are still here, we are growing, and we vote! We will be raising awareness about voter suppression, our sister island’s continued struggle after the hurricanes, and how “none of us are free until all of us are free.”

Gainesville has helped to plan the Orlando event and we will have amazing speakers from Gainesville addressing the Orlando crowd. RSVP to the event at:

Find info at:

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2018 means voting (and more)!

by Joe Courter

2018 will be a pivotal year in this country. I mean it. The gerrymandering done in 2010 has paved the way for the Republican dominance in our national and state-level governance. To try and create more fair districts, Democrats must regain control in state legislatures, and that challenge must begin now, in the 2018 fall elections. We will have important primaries coming up in August, and then of course on Nov. 6. These pages will hopefully help and inspire you to be an active participant in our fragile and severely challenged democracy.

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United We Dream’s D.C. takeover

Courtesy of United We Dream.

by Michell Hernandez

Living as an undocumented immigrant in the United States can mean many things. For me, it meant isolation, fear and anxiety.

Before December, I had never thought of the possibility that it could ever mean love, friendship and unity. Fortunately, I finally learned it was possible during United We Dream’s D.C. Takeover.

The takeover was focused on attaching a DREAM Act onto a continuing resolution and pushing members of Congress to vote no on any bill that did not include a solution for the thousands of immigrant youth currently living in uncertainty.

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January-February 2018 Gainesville Iguana

The January-February issue of the Iguana is now available! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Thank You

Thank you for donating to the Gainesville Iguana. Your support helps sustain the work of an all-volunteer staff and existence of the area’s longest running progressive newsletter. Without you, we couldn’t do what we do and have done each year (okay… we did take one year off) since 1986.

In solidarity,
The Iguana Fam

Veterans for Peace to host annual Winter Solstice Celebration

Veterans for Peace will host its 31st Annual Winter Solstice Celebration on Saturday, Dec. 16 at 8 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 N.W. 34th St.

The event will feature music from Cathy Dewitt & Mark Billman, Cherokee Peace Chant, Drums of Peace, Lauren Robinson, Janet and Maggie Rucker, Quartermoon, Other Voices, The Errelics, Jason Hedges & Sarah Darden, A Choir of Heavenly Semi-Angels, and more, along with readings from our Peace Poetry Contest winners. Bill Hutchinson will be the MC for the event.

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“Outrage” — Film explores the murder of black citizens, shot at lynching sites in six states

by Joe Courter

On Oct. 24 the Matheson Museum presented a powerful new film “An Outrage,” a relatively short 34-minute documentary that explores the reality of lynching in the United States.

In interviews with family members and friends, and visits to actual locations, the film travels to Virginia, Texas, South Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi, and spans from 1898 to 1946, demonstrating that the murder of black citizens was a form of social control and intimidation, and often was accompanied by protracted torture and abuse. These killings were widely reported in the black press, but largely ignored in the more “mainstream” media.

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Wes Skiles Water Stewardship Awards on Nov. 13

Florida has the largest convergence of freshwater springs on the planet and one of our most impressive natural wonders are the underwater caves.

Alachua County’s own, Wes C. Skiles, began diving at age 8 and quickly became internationally recognized for his accomplishments in underwater filming and springs conservation awareness.

Skiles’ work included more than 100 films for television that he filmed, produced, and edited. “Water’s Journey: The Hidden Rivers of Florida” still airs on PBS and reveals the journey of water above and within the earth; revealing how our lives are intertwined with the water we drink. Tragically, Skiles died while on a dive off Boynton Beach in 2010. He was posthumously awarded  “Explorer of the Year” in 2011 by National Geographic.

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History and the people who make it: Luresa Lake

Luresa Lake [L], original model for the historic Paradise Park, and her daughter Rose [R], were interviewed by Katie Gresham [G] in March, 2016.

This is the 44th in a series of transcript excerpts from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program collection at the University of Florida.

Transcript edited by Pierce Butler.

L: I was born in Ocala, Florida on November 9, 1929. I am now eighty-six years young, not old. [Laughter] My father was a farmer. My mother was a seamstress, and she used to play the piano for the Shady Grove Baptist Church, which I was a member of all of my life.

G: Where did you go to school?

L: Evergreen Elementary School, and then to Howard High School. And I, being the only girl in the family, also went to school in New York for a couple of years. I can’t remember the school name at this time, but I went there. Me being an only girl in my family, all of my aunts wanted me to stay with them. Many times I stayed with them, and cared for a baby or something like that. All of my family thought that I was something very special.

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CMC celebrates 24 years

by Joe Courter

The Civic Media Center’s 24th Anniversary event at the Matheson Museum on Oct. 20 was a great success. Thank you to all who attended or sent in a donation to help us start the 24th year of operations.

It was great to have such a big crowd to mark the occasion: to present a surprise gift to honor one of the CMC’s most loyal volunteers Gaby Gross, to introduce a new CMC co-coordinator Kaithleen Hernandez, and have a keynote address from Carol Thomas, as well as the Penrod Award presentation to Candi Churchill. Numerous raffle items were claimed and all the silent auction items were bid on and purchased. Special thanks go to John Moran and Eric Admunson for their art donations. The Matheson was a great host, and thanks, also, to the CMC volunteers and Board members who shared their time nd efforts.

The food was awesome and without the following restaurants we would have been eating pizza: Andaz Indian Restaurant and Bar, Civilization, Elegant Events, Elizabeth Dionisi, Emiliano’s Cafe, Opus Coffee, Paramount Grill, Reggae Shack Cafe, Satchels, and Vine Organic Breads and Pasta. D