Category Archives: Articles

From the publisher… Hope? Yes, hope.

by Joe Courter

The past two headlines of the Iguana: “Well that sucked” and “Horrors,” both reflected the Florida legislature ramming their agenda through. I realize wrong feelings might have been conveyed. Yes it’s about what they are doing, but it needs to imply what we can do. Not having hope is a block to living a meaningful life. Finding purpose and committing to it is a key, whatever path you choose.

Although fair elections are under attack, we still have the vote, and it is up to us to organize and make our greater numbers count. In state after state, as the Right tries to criminalize women’s healthcare, ballot measures to resist these efforts have been winning; not just Ohio, as the cover story says, but California, Michigan, Vermont, Kansas, Kentucky and Montana. Coming up in 2024 are Maryland and New York, as well as maybe seven others, including Florida (see pg. 26).  

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Recent policies and controversies over the teaching of the College Board AP course in African American Studies, the new African American History Standards, Gender Identity, Woke, Multicultural Education, Diversity and Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory (CRT), demand immediate attention and action. 

A central issue in the controversies is the assertion by blindly ambitious politicians and ill-informed academics that “slavery provided beneficial skills to the enslaved and how mob violence against Black people included acts of violence perpetuated against and by African Americans.” 

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Boogie Woogie Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Party

Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center
Friday, Sept. 22, 7-10pm

Join us for this fab dance and fundraiser.
Dance like you did “back in the day”!
1950s-1960s-1970s-1980s hit tunes spun by Live Soul DJ LloverLord just in from Atlanta (Hot-lanta!)

Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center 
837 SE 7th Ave, Gainesville

Do the Twist, the Mashed Potato, Wa-Watusi, Electric Slide …
Refreshments, Dance Contests, and Prizes
Cash bar, beer and wine and a little Boogie Woogie Rock ‘n’ Roll history

The dance floor is revving up, so get your tickets now!
Tickets: $25 available online at

The Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center is an organization dedicated to enriching the experiences of all who wish to grow in knowledge and appreciation of the history and culture of African-derived cultures, highlighting those in Gainesville and North Central Florida. 

September 2023 Gainesville Iguana

The September issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Editors’ picks: The news that didn’t fit

Florida city fights its own citizens over clean water
Titusville repeatedly thwarts voters’ approval of anti-pollution referendum
by Craig Pittman | Florida Phoenix | June 15 |
Last fall, Titusville voters approved, by an 83 percent margin, making a right to clean water a part of their city’s charter. However, the city council refused to certify the election results, even after a judge ruled for the citizens. They are still fighting the measure.

Gainesville Eight anti-war activists honored 50 years after historic local trial
by Ron Cunningham | Aug. 31 | Gainesville Sun |
A half-century ago, eight young men erupted in celebration after learning that their jury declined to send them to prison after being accused of plotting to disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach. They took a celebration photo on the steps of Gainesville’s federal courthouse. Recently, the five surviving defendants of the “Gainesville Eight” returned for a group photo at the same location.

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The significance of the Thelma Boltin Recreation Center

A State Heritage Site and a Contributing Building to a National Register of Historic Places Historic District, it should not be demolished.

by Friends of the Thelma Boltin Center

The Servicemen’s Center was built in 1943 during World War II. It is the only building in the State of Florida specifically built for WWII soldiers to socialize and relax. Soldiers hitchhiked from Camp Blanding, Jacksonville, Orlando, and other cities to arrive in Gainesville, pop. 14,000.

In July of 1943 11,000 men were reported as having used the Center. Non-profits and churches prepared home cooked meals for the men, local groups provided entertainment, and soldiers spent the night in homes, or other facilities. WRUF broadcasts of dances could be heard in north Florida and Georgia.

The Thelma Boltin Recreation Center is one of a few buildings in the City named after a woman. Thelma Boltin never married or had children. This building is her legacy. She was the Program Director and hostess for the events at the Serviceman’s Center. When the War ended she became the Recreation Director for the City of Gainesville at this site.

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Gainesville Roller Rebels: Back and better than ever!

Come watch the All-Stars take on the Sugar Sands Roller Derby on Saturday, July 8, and the Tallahassee Roller Derby on Saturday, July 29, at 6:30pm at the MLK Jr. Multipurpose Center at 1028 NE 14th St. in Gainesville.

Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Kids 12 and under get in free. Pick up tickets from Loosey’s Downtown at 120 SW 1st Ave., or purchase them online at Brown Paper Tickets. Doors open at 6pm and the action starts at 6:30pm. Food and drink will be available for purchase. There will be a raffle with proceeds going to a local charity.

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Florida unions under attack

by Jenn Powell, Alachua County Labor Coalition Co-Chair and CWA Local 3170 Organizer

The 2023 Florida legislative session dealt many blows to Florida residents and undid years of work by the Alachua County Labor Coalition, but SB 256’s attack on public sector unions is and will continue to be a devastating blow to the union movement. All public sector unions in Florida are affected except police, fire, and corrections unions, which are exempt. (Their support staff is NOT exempt.)

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Tom Petty exhibit opens in Gainesville: Includes Rock & Roll Hall of Fame artifacts

by Jody Farmer, Cade Museum

The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention is happy to announce the opening of a new exhibit, Tom Petty: Among the Wildflowers, featuring artifacts previously on display at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.  

Tom Petty: Among the Wildflowers explores the joys, pains, and creative awakenings that Gainesville native Tom Petty experienced while pouring his soul into his magnum opus, Wildflowers, released in November 1994. Through this exhibit, guests can hear first-hand accounts from Tom and the Wildflowers team about the album’s spirited creation.  

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Tribute to life, legacy of Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn

On Juneteenth (June 19) at 10am, the County honored the life and legacy of the late Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn by unveiling the Sankofa Statue on the West Lawn of the County Administration Building at 12 S.E. 1st St. in  Gainesville. 

In her remarks at the dedication, Nkwanda Jah said: 

“Today we paid tribute to my friend Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn/Tricia/Trish/Zoe/Nefertari with a monument. The monument is a Sankofa bird, Sankofa taken from the Akan people of Ghana – a proverb meaning to reach back and fetch your past to inform your future. She did this from the streets of Liberia to Egypt to Ghana to South Africa to the streets of Gainesville and Alachua County. So proud to be here with her family and friends.” 

A profile of Patricia Hilliard Nunn can be found in Atrium magazine at

Elsie Marie Allen: Rest in power

by Carson Stanton

Elsie Marie Allen took her final breath on May 19. She was born on July 17, 1946, in Richmond, Indiana. She is survived by her spouse of 57 years, David Allen, of Alachua, Florida; her daughter Wallace Mohlenbrok of Winston Salem, North Carolina; her son Damon Allen (Melanie Barr); her daughter Carson Stanton (Ken); and her son Flynn Allen, all of Gainesville; her grandchildren Gabriel Mohlenbrok of Greensboro, North Carolina; Margaret and Dorothy Mohlenbrok of Winston Salem; and Arrow and Nebraska Stanton of Gainesville.

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History and the people who make it: Sophia Threat (part 1)

This 2017 interview of Ms. Sophia Threat [T]of Groveland, Florida, by Deidre Houchen [H], offers a small peek into the ways race and labor played a role in everyday life in rural Florida in the mid 20th century, and how strong and resilient families had to be to survive. Threat recalls her childhood hearing about the Groveland Four: two of the falsely accused men were her uncles. Transcript edited by Donovan Carter.

H: Where were you born, Ms. Sophia?

T: I was born and raised in Groveland.

H: And who did you live with?

T: My mom, Louise Threat and E.T. Threat, my dad. 

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Christmas in June for Florida Power & Light

by Alachua County Labor Coalition

On June 28, Governor DeSantis signed the GRU Tallahassee takeover bill. This comes on the heels of his vetoing an ethical meat processing plant in Newberry. We are deeply disappointed — but unsurprised — that DeSantis has decided to continue Rep. Chuck Clemons’ and Sen. Keith Perry’s War on Gainesville.

It’s clear this bill is the first step in stealing our public utility and is eerily similar to Jacksonville’s public utility saga, when a small cartel of corporate fat cats attempted to steal their utility through shady astroturf groups and purchased politicians. 

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Friends of Susan B. Anthony celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Friends of Susan B. Anthony is happy to announce that Women’s Equality Day (Aug. 26) will be celebrated with their annual luncheon at the Best Western Gateway Grand in Gainesville on Saturday, Aug. 26 at 11:30am. 

The community is invited to this event, which began as an informal birthday party for Susan B. Anthony over forty years ago, and is now held in conjunction with the anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. 

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Protest marks 1-year anniversary of Dobbs, end of Roe v. Wade

On June 24, National Women’s Liberation, Gainesville Radical Reproductive Rights Network, and Planned Parenthood organized a demonstration outside the Alachua County Courthouse to protest the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, effectively ending abortion rights provided by Roe v. Wade. Below is the text of a speech given by Laura Blecha.

My name is Laura and I’m a member of the Gainesville chapter of National Women’s Liberation. We’re a grassroots, gender-affirming, radical feminist organization fighting back against male supremacy, white supremacy, and capitalism.

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Book review—War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, by Norman Solomon

by Joe Courter

Note: A bulk order of War Made Invisible has been purchased for a fundraiser for the Civic Media Center. The new hardcover book, listed at $28, can be purchased from either Third House Books or from me at the Thursday Heartwood or Monday Cypress & Grove farmers markets. A donation of $15 to $20 is requested. Text me at 352-378-5655 if you want one and I will bring it. This is what City Lights Bookstore said in their review of the book: 

From the acclaimed veteran political analyst, a searing new exposé of how the American military, with the help of the media, conceals its perpetual war.

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We Are Stronger Together: County coalition counteracts growing legislative intolerance

by Ethan Maia de Needell, Rural Women’s Health Project

In an effort to rally Alachua County and to show up to the moment we all find ourselves in, local advocacy groups, nonprofits, faith institutions, and social service providers have come together to form the We Are Stronger Together campaign. 

As of July 1, Florida has ushered in a batch of legislation targeting our most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Our trans community is under attack by bills like SB254, which aims to impede trans adults from receiving their medical services and completely ban treatments (which have been validated by nationally recognized mental health authorities such as Columbia University, American Psychology Association, National Institute of Health) for trans minors. 

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From the publisher… Survival skills

by Joe Courter

When you are planning for a trip, you think about all that you need to know and do. How will you get there? Where you going to be staying? What will you need for food? Maybe consult the long-range weather forecast? That preparation ahead of time can make things go so much smoother.

Well, our trip has begun, the train has left the station. Not many of us had time to pack, and some people had been oblivious about their being on a train that might be departing that quickly. Turns out there was no preprinted schedule to consult. There’ve been rumors and speculation, but suddenly …  All aboard!

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8:15 Hiroshima: From father to daughter

CMC film screening August 6 with director in attendance

by Joe Courter

8:15 Hiroshima/from Father to Daughter is a new film airing on PBS in August. Locally it will air on WUFT TV at 5pm on Saturday, Aug. 5. On Sunday, Aug. 6, the Civic Media Center will host a special screening of the film with its director, J. R. Heffelfinger, who recently moved to Gainesville. Doors open at 5pm, and the film will start at about 5:30 with a discussion and reception afterward. The Civic Media Center is at 433 S. Main St., with parking across the street or along East 5th Avenue.

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State takeover of GRU: Now what?

by Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson, Gainesville Residents United, Inc. 

Now that the State has officially taken over Gainesville Regional Utilities from the City Commission, there are a lot of things to do.

Some folks are recruiting prospective Utility Authority board members for the volunteer position of running the combined utility systems for the City. This includes setting rates and service levels, hiring and firing employees, running the power and water plants, establishing the half-billion dollar annual budget, and managing over a billion dollars in debt. 

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