Category Archives: Articles

Alachua County Labor Coalition to host Gainesville City Commission, mayoral candidate forums

The Alachua County Labor Coalition (ACLC) will be hosting two forums with candidates in the upcoming Gainesville elections. Separate forums will be held for commission and mayoral candidates. ACLC members and the general public will ask questions on the topics of a living wage, affordable housing, transportation, health care, food access, corporate responsibity, criminal justice reform, and general governance. Prior to the forum, candidates will return ACLC questionnaires touching on the same topics.

The commissioner forum will take place on Thursday, July 14 at 6pm.

The mayoral forum will take place on Thursday, July 28 at 6pm.

Both forums will be held at Emmanuel Mennonite Church, 1236 NW 18th Ave. The ACLC is immensely grateful to Emmanuel Mennonite for the generosity in sharing their space.

ACLC Coordinator Bobby Mermer can be reached at should you have questions.

From the publisher … Compartmentalized minds

by Joe Courter

This information age we live in presents major challenges in coping. How do we sort through all the options available? 

Humans have never faced such an overwhelming array of stimuli and endless paths to follow. Unfortunately, since peace and tranquility are less attention grabbing, a lot offered is negative and disturbing. 

Doom scrolling is a real thing for many, and it is not healthy. Strategic and critical thinking is, to say the least, undervalued. And in a country that by design counts on an informed, participating citizenry (well, okay, in the beginning they really didn’t want everybody … some still don’t), it has created a very serious problem of people trapped in silos.

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VOTE Tuesday, August 23

by Joe Courter

CORRECTION/EDITORS’ NOTE: Please note that the July/August edition misstates Gary Gordon’s position regarding single family zoning. He supports single family zoning and is against the proposal that would change that. A missing word—”proposal”—in the original report creates the confusion. Again, he is against the exclusionary zoning proposal and supports single family zoning as we have it now.  Sorry for the confusion. It has been corrected in the article below.

The upcoming primary election on Aug. 23 will see the Democrats and Republicans narrowing their candidates down for the November midterm election races. 

In Alachua County the nonpartisan mayor, city commission, and school board races will be on the ballot as well as the circuit court judges race, with candidates trying to achieve that magical 50% + 1 in order to win their seats. However, if no candidate achieves that number, the seat will then be on the November midterm ballot for a runoff decision.

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Only in America: Stop gun violence now!

On June 11, shortly after the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, a coalition of groups, under the banner of March for Our Lives Gainesville, organized a rally in Gainesville at Bo Diddley Plaza that marched to Depot Park. About 500 attended to hear speakers at both locations. Organizing groups included Moms Demand Action, Florida Forward, Planned Parenthood, UF College Democrats, and Young Democratic Socialists of America. Similar events took place across the country. 

A report from Vicki Machado, a Gainesville local who attended the DC rally, is on page 17.  Ashoka Singh Banerjee, a high school student, gave the following speech at the Gainesville rally. For more on the Gainesville rally, see 

Every day for the last 10 years of my life I have woken up, gotten ready, and gone to school.

Every single day one of those days could have been the day in school that I was killed, by a random kid who had a bad day.

It makes me sick to know that my friends and I could have been the children hiding behind desks, covering ourselves in the blood of each other, just to survive another day.

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July/August 2022 Gainesville Iguana

The July/August issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Editors’ picks: news that didn’t fit

Biden directs federal agencies to protect LGBTQIa+ rights under attack in GOP-led states
by Jacob Fischler | Florida Phoenix | June 15 |
President Biden signed an executive order aiming to curtail conversion therapy, expand health care access and promote safe learning for LGBTQI+ people. The order is meant to counter laws in Republican-led states that restrict the rights of LGBTQI+ kids. 

EXCLUSIVE: Now the far right is coming for college too – with taxpayer-funded “classical education”
by Kathryn Joyce | Salon | May 31 |
Republicans are channeling tax dollars to right-wing institutes at colleges across the nation. What’s the endgame?

Half in new poll say Trump tried to stay in office through illegal means
by Zach Schonfeld | The Hill | June 26 |
Half of U.S. adults believe former President Trump planned to remain in the presidency through illegal and unconstitutional activities.

Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as 1st Black woman to serve on Supreme Court
by Brendan Morrow | The Week | June 30 |
History has been made, as Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is officially the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. 

Poll shows majority oppose Supreme Court’s attack on fundamental rights
by Julia Conley | Common Dreams | June 27 |
Fifty-six percent of respondents said they’re concerned the court will attack marriage equality and the right to obtain contraception.

‘Stay Woke Go Vote’: Florida Black Caucus launches campaign to empower voters
by Issac Morgan | Florida Phoenix | May 9 |
The Black delegation in the Florida Legislature and community activists are doubling down on efforts to empower Floridians to vote during the upcoming elections, with the launch of a campaign that pushes back against Republican lawmakers’ policies.

The Supreme Court’s shock-and-awe judicial coup
by Naomi Klein | The Intercept | June 30 |
The rolling judicial coup coming from this court is by no means over.

The war in Ukraine may be impossible to stop. And the U.S. deserves much of the blame.
by Christopher Caldwell | New York Times | May 31 |
A tragic, local and ambiguous conflict has been turned into a potential world conflagration.

UF’s Alligator student newspaper battled on front lines of abortion issues 50 years ago
by Katie Delk | The Gainesville Sun | June 26 |
In 1971, the University of Florida student newspaper printed a list of abortion referral agencies. The editor in chief was arrested and jailed.

What’s behind the antiabortion crackdown?
by Jenny Brown | Jacobin |
Since the turn of the 19th century, crackdowns on women’s reproductive rights have come in cycles. The attack isn’t only about controlling women, but about pushing up the birth rate to suit capital’s needs.

VFP Hosts 12th Annual Peace Poetry Reading and Reception, May 21

On Saturday, May 21, 26 students from Alachua County schools will read their peace poems aloud at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as winners of the 2022 Peace Poetry Contest.

The 12th annual Peace Poetry Contest began in January, inviting all K-12 students of Alachua County schools, both public and private, to submit one poem on what peace and social justice means to them. A team of community writers and poets judged the almost 200 poems submitted, according to age group.

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VFP Awards $1,500 to four Peace Scholarship Recipients

This year, Veterans for Peace in Gainesville is pleased to award four $1,500 Peace Scholarship awards, a college scholarship program for Alachua County students. The scholarship competition was open to eligible high school seniors, college students, and adults who need financial support to succeed in college and who have demonstrated a commitment and leadership in activities involving peace and social justice and/or nonviolent social change.

Peace scholarship applicants were asked to provide a brief autobiographical statement and evidence of leadership and/or personal initiative in activities in an organization (including volunteer or paid work) relating to peace and social justice, conflict resolution and/or nonviolent social change. Applicants were also asked to provide two letters of recommendation. In the end, VFP awarded peace scholarships to four students in the amount of $1,500 each. The scholarships were awarded to:

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CMC Springboard event: Professor Lorna Bracewell to discuss new book: ‘a gripping social history of feminist political theory’

Who: Dr. Lorna Bracewell, Flagler College professor
What: Book talk on Why We Lost the Sex Wars: Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era.
Where: Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St., Gainesville
When: Saturday, June 4, 6:30pm
Cost: $10 (donation) students, $20 (donation) others

by the CMC Board

Please join the Civic Media Center Board on Saturday, June 4, at 6:30pm, to hear Dr. Lorna Bracewell discuss her new book, Why We Lost the Sex Wars: Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era

Dr. Bracewell’s book is a timely and urgent reconsideration of feminist debates on sexual freedom in the 1990s. An important intervention into feminist history, Why We Lost the Sex Wars traces utopian attempts to redefine the imagination of sex and sexual freedom, and the ensuing debates that still influence us today.

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CMC Hiring

CMC Coordinator Position Opening!

Do you know and love the Civic Media Center?

Would you like to apply for the coordinator position?

Job opening in June-July, 25 hours a week, $15/hour.

Computer skills, people skills and self-directed work ethic a must. Strong social justice commitment, too.

Send resume and brief cover letter of background to:

History and the people who make it: David Payne

This transcript excerpt illustrates race and gender intersectionality in the classroom through the recollections of Mr. David Payne, who attended the University of Florida and worked as a teacher in the Orange County school district. He was interviewed on December 6, 2014, by Drs. Justin Dunnavant and Ryan Morini [M] for the SPOHP’s African American History Project.

This is the 68th in a series of transcript excerpts from the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program collection.

Transcript edited by Yiorgo Topalidis. 

M: Could you state when you were born?

Payne: January 28, 1942.

M: And where were you born?

Payne: I’m a Floridian who was born in Kentucky. University of Florida, the tuition my first year was ninety dollars a semester. As many classes as you wanted to take. My older sister, who enrolled in the University of Florida in 1951 as a junior, was like in only the fifth class that accepted women.

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The Ten Commitments promoting a democratic world

by Joe Courter

A few weeks ago I was at First Magnitude enjoying a music show by Sooza, and at break I had a conversation with a college-age Iguana reader and supporter who raised an interesting point. He said that in some of the articles there is not a positive side, an alternative vision of how things could be made better instead of just pointing out what was wrong. I hoped to but did not hear back from them … I expect finals got in the way … but my quick response at the time was that it was up to each of us to see a positive angle or interpretation in how to deal with information and the world. 

Shortly after, I saw this poster in the Spring 2022 New Humanist magazine and thought it was relevant to what I was trying to say. 

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WGOT is off the air

by Fred Sowder, WGOT Volunteer

In my last article here about your community radio station, I had no intention of my premonition coming true, but here we are. By the time you’re reading this, WGOT may still be off the air due to a server crash that happened in late April.

We still continue to seek assistance by a tech support person. We run servers on Ubuntu Linux, so knowledge of that operating system would be a plus. Once we get our old server back running, we have a newer server that we’ve had for a couple of years that needs to be put into service. 

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Is Gainesville development out of control? This is not what democracy looks like

by Lee Malis

A massive parking garage on 5th Avenue to serve luxury college apartments was built on Seminary Lane land, bought with HUD money intended to house low income residents. Homes had been demolished with promises of rebuilding — instead the land was sold to an Orlando developer. This neighborhood is the historical heart of the Black community of Gainesville. 
Photo by Lee Mallis.

Since 2016 there seems to be an assault on Gainesville. For those of us who remember what it was like before, it’s hard to believe this is the same town we’ve known forever. Gainesville was known as a Tree City USA for good reason. We had a beautiful city with a healthy tree canopy of mature hardwoods. There were mandates for green spaces, setbacks, parking, and density. But that’s all changing. Now if you drive down University Ave., 13th St., or NW 5th Ave., or visit Porter’s Quarters or downtown, you see massive development everywhere. This is because our city government has been changing the rules to make Gainesville developer-friendly. 

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Help make Medicare for All a reality

By Gaby Gross, Alachua County Labor Coalition, and Candy Birch, Medicare for All, Florida

Everyone living in the U.S. deserves high quality healthcare. No one should suffer poor health because they can’t afford to see a doctor or buy medication that they need. However, almost half of Floridians—including those with insurance—could not afford needed healthcare; about a third who did get necessary care struggled to pay their medical bills

The Alachua County Labor Coalition has joined Medicare for All Florida. Its goal is to remedy this dire situation by building support for the Medicare for All Act of 2021, HR1976. To do this, residents are asked to get cities and counties to pass resolutions in support of the bill and send those resolutions to Federal legislators. A proposed resolution has been submitted to the Gainesville City Commission and will be heard sometime in August. 

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A brief history of a negotiation: Graduate students vs. University of Florida

by Antonios Kyriazis, GAU member

The Graduate Assistants Union (GAU) at the University of Florida (UF) has been bargaining with the university for six months now for a higher wage. Their story has been an odyssey, with many ups and downs, and has highlighted the exploitative practices on the workforce of one of the nation’s largest universities. 

The background

Let’s start with some numbers: UF has broken in to the top 5 list of public research universities this year, it brought over $860 million in research funding in 2021, has an endowment of $2.29 billion, has been hiring new faculty members, has increased the salary of out-of-unit administrators an average 8.2 percent in the period 2018-2021 and is currently building a 263,000 square foot data science department. So, why can it not give its graduate students a living wage?

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VFP remembers Memorial Mile with information table 

Who: Gainesville Veterans for Peace
What: Info Table
Where: NW 8th Ave. & NW 31st St., Gainesville
When: Memorial Day, Monday, May 30

Since 2007, the Gainesville chapter of Veterans for Peace has mounted a major Memorial Day display of tombstones for each American troop killed as a result of the US wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Now that the US military has withdrawn from both nations, and  — so far as we know — has ceased attacking them with missiles and bombs as well — the chapter has called off the display.

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From the publisher … 2022 heating up in many ways

by Joe Courter

First off, a big thank you to the Supreme Court leaker, regardless of their intent, who has certainly given a jolt to the slow whittling of abortion rights, which seemed to be slipping away without much fightback. 

A big alarm clock has just gone off. 

These so-called conservative justices were lying through their teeth while under oath with those words about “settled law” regarding Roe during the confirmation hearings. We can be heartened by the big turnout on short notice at our court house and around the country less than a day after the revelations were made. Now, can we build on and sustain the outrage to organize a massive voter turnout in November, and make it more than a moment, but a movement?

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The August 23 elections … No complacency!

by Joe Courter

You’ve heard this before, but it’s worth reminding yourself of the power of your vote. There is POWER in your vote. We need that power more than ever. Not just in November, but in August. Our August elections will not only shape the field but will in many cases be the deciding factor for many of our local seats.

While the City Commission districts have not been officially finalized, we are starting to become familiar with many of the folks running and who they could represent. With the Mayor’s race and three Commission seats on the ballot, an unprecedented majority swing is possible, shaping the voice and direction of our city.

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May/June 2022 Gainesville Iguana

The May/June issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.