Category Archives: Articles

People power stops upzoning near Depot Park

by Tana Silva

On Feb. 22, an outpouring of concern about Gainesville’s future turned back a private initiative to allow maximum development beside Depot Park. The stakes were high and the vote consequential, yet no news media covered the city commission special meeting in advance. Still, remarkably, people showed up and called in to address the commission, three minutes at a time, and collective wisdom prevailed. 

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Updates from Alachua County Labor Coalition

by Sheila Payne, Alachua County Labor Coalition Board Member

The Alachua County Labor Coalition is shaking off the Covid blahs and continuing our work on housing and legal system transformation advocacy. 

We just elected a whole new slate of enthusiastic Executive Board members at our in-person and virtual membership meeting on Feb. 15. We continue to add liaison and representatives from each of our 24 member organizations to sit on the executive board. There are calls to get involved in helping to organize some folks interested in union organizing.

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A dramatization of Jim Crow, civil rights years in Gainesville

by Pam Smith

On Friday, March 18, at 7 pm, the Cotton Club will present a YouTube dramatization of a rich part of Gainesville’s history—the firsthand experience of eight women, six black and two white, who lived in Gainesville during the Jim Crow and civil rights years. 

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Bob Graham Center for Public Service events

March 15 | 6pm | In Person
NATO’s Enduring Alliance and the Russo-Ukraine Crisis

The NATO alliance has endured despite continuous predictions of collapse. Now it’s facing a moment of crisis as leaders grapple with a solution to the Russo-Ukraine conflict. Join international relations expert Timothy Sayle of the University of Toronto for this timely and in-person lecture examining the historical connections between NATO’s Cold War inception and the crisis of today. Sayle is the author of Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order (2019). A Livestream link is also available at <>

March 17 | 6pm | Zoom
Harvard  author Vincent Brown speaks on ‘Tacky’s Revolt’

Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War is a superb geopolitical thriller that traces the roots, routes, and reverberations of the largest slave insurrection in the 18th century British Empire. Join our conversation with author Dr. Vincent Brown, professor of African and African-American studies at Harvard University, as he looks at how the insurrection of enslaved West Africans in Jamaica reverberated across the Atlantic. Register now at <> 

Sunshine State Book Festival

The Writers Alliance of Gainesville is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Sunshine State Book Festival that will bring readers and writers together on April 9 and 10. The two-day event is free and open to the public.

North Central Florida’s cultural landscape is enhanced by this annual event, produced by the Writers Alliance of Gainesville with support from local sponsors. Come enjoy the festival—rain or shine.

Saturday’s festival will be held in the Oaks Mall on West Newberry Road immediately east of I-75 in Gainesville. It begins at 11am and goes until 5pm.

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Health insurance Navigator Program

Need help getting health insurance? Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators are standing by. Suwannee River Area Health Education Center Navigators provide outreach and enrollment services to anyone looking to enroll for health care coverage in the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace. 

We assist consumers with confidential telephone, virtual, and online enrollment service appointments. Our services are completely FREE. 

Call 386-230-9400 or email to book your appointment today. 

Traditional Medicare will soon be taken over by Wall Street

by Marilyn Eisenberg

Many of us retired folks in the progressive community have signed in to the publicly funded traditional Medicare plan with or without supplements. Even though Medicare Advantage plans offer attractive perks to well retirees, we all know that for serious illnesses and injuries, these plans fall apart. 

Medicare Advantage plans find devious ways of not covering the expenses they had promised, usually invoking the not-in-network excuses causing many ‘surprise’ bills to their hapless recipients. 

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Tools to quit tobacco

Quitting tobacco isn’t easy. Finding help should be. If you are ready to quit, join our Tools to Quit Tobacco group. This free one-time, two-hour group will give you tips on how to deal with triggers, withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. 

You will also receive up to four weeks of free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges. This group more than doubles your chance of quitting for good. Pre-registration is required. 

Our next TTQ is Thursday, March 17 from 5:30-7:30pm at Pride Community Center of North Central Florida. Virtual options are also available on the computer or over the phone. 

Call 866-341-2730 to reserve your spot.

‘Save Academic Freedom’ Teach-In at Plaza of Americas

Wednesday, March 23, 10:30-1:30 (time tentative)
UF campus, The Plaza of Americas

The Free UF coalition, a coalition of students, staff, and faculty fighting against censorship at the University of Florida, is hosting a teach-in on Wednesday, March 23 at the Plaza of Americas. 

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Dissident parties continue to fight against ‘the System’

UF student elections: Gator Party sweeps Change Party, Communist Party

by Aron Ali-McClory

Over the past month, the spring 2022 elections at the University of Florida were held, with 50 Senate seats proportioned to the university’s various colleges at stake, as well as the lucrative “executive ticket,” composed of a party’s presidential, vice presidential, and treasurer candidates.

Three political parties  were running candidates for the Student Senate: Communist Party, Change Party, and Gator Party. The latter two parties both fielded executive ticket candidates – the Communist Party did not. The Change Party made history by fielding UF’s first all Black, queer, and femme slate of candidates for their executive ticket.

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From the publisher … Troubling Times

by Joe Courter

This is one of these times where writing this column has so many items of concern in flux. 

The horror show of right wing arrogance that is the Florida legislature is in full swing until March 11. In a state where active and effective gerrymandering has a completely stacked deck against the Democrats, the Republicans are going after abortion rights in such an unempathetic way, not even allowing exemptions for rape, incest or human trafficking. And they seem to be getting away with it without large public outcry. 

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Mama’s Club presents: The early days of women’s liberation in Gainesville

by Pam Smith

Mama’s Club will host a Zoom presentation of four women’s experience of being part of the beginning of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Gainesville on Saturday, March 19 from 4pm to 6pm.

Gainesville was one of five cities in the world that gave birth to this phenomena that continues to transform relationships and institutions including governments.

The Women’s Liberation Movement had its beginning in the Civil Rights Movement. It was in a civil rights office in Georgia that one afternoon a woman asked the other women in the movement office to stay after work to talk about their position in the Civil Rights Movement. 

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Gainesville Veterans for Peace Scholarship Program for Alachua County students

Deadline for Application is April 27

Gainesville Veterans for Peace Chapter 14 is excited to announce our 8th annual Peace Scholarship Program for the spring of 2022. We are awarding three college and/or vocational scholarships of $1,000 each for high school seniors, college students or adults with a commitment to activities including immigrant rights, Black Lives Matter, conflict resolution and/or nonviolent social change.

Veterans for Peace created these scholarships to give financial support to students in Alachua County, Florida who are planning careers in pursuit of a world of peace with justice.

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Ukraine and the myth of war

Ukraine should not have to suffer invasion by Russia. And Russia should not have had its safety and security threatened by NATO expansion and weaponry.

Iguana Editor’s Note: The makers of war are the enemy. It is they who set the stage. It is they who pursue ideology over compromise and cooperation. It is they who value power and nationalistic ego over diplomacy. It is they who build up the stockpiles of armaments along with governments who provide the directives and funding. 

In 1953 President Eisenhower said, “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” 

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March 2022 Gainesville Iguana

The March issue of the Iguana is now available, and you can access it here! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Forward to the Past

By Santiago De Choch

“Back to the Future” is a 1985 film featuring Michael J. Fox as teenager Marty McFly, who travels 30 years back in time, to 1955. While there, he interferes with his young parents’ meeting, and has to amend his mistake by making sure they meet and marry, lest himself is never born and thus erased from history. The movie was a success and is still a pleasure to watch, but this article is not about it. It’s about energy, and agriculture.

In 1955, US oil extraction was about 2.5 billion barrels per year. In 1970, domestic production peaked at 3.5 billion. In Marty McFly’s 1985, it was back to roughly 2.5 bbls/yr, and in decline. By 2015, most easily recoverable oil was gone, but an infusion of cheap credit was financing another upward surge, this time fueled by more problematic, dangerous and difficult reserves: deep sea, previously protected natural areas, and especially, fracking. At 3 bbls/yr, the shale oil boom peaked in 2015, short of the 1970 all-time high, and has been in decline since. 

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Get involved with Free Grocery Store at Civic Media Center

The Free Grocery Store (FGS) is a food-based mutual aid project hosted by the Civic Media Center. 

The FGS seeks to challenge the commodification of food that has led to unequal food access and address the food waste inherent in our current food systems. To do so, we distribute free, sustainable food to members of the community. 

We’re currently packing and delivering free food to a total of 314 individuals across 101 households every two weeks. We also maintain a garden space at the McRorie Community Garden, which provides fresh veggies for us to share with community members. 

As we grow and increase the number of community members we are able to serve, we will need help with packing, driving, and gardening, along with other tasks involved in organizing our efforts. To help, you can find and message us on Instagram @gnvfgs, sign up/donate online using our linktree at, or email us at to get in touch.

Civic Media Center update

by JoJo Sacks

We’ve been busy at the Civic Media Center programming safe ways for our community to get together, including through outdoor meetings and events, which we are in the process of planning. 

Gainesville organizers have been amazing throughout this pandemic, including Free Grocery Store and Free Store, two projects housed under our roof that feed and supply clothing and household items to the folks who need it. 

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Ernest Lee, rest in power

by Joe Courter

It was my pleasure to spend some time talking with artist Ernest Lee at the Thornebrook Art Festival this Fall, and it was sad to read of his passing on Nov. 27. Born in 1962 in North Carolina, he had an early touch with painting that grew later in life to a life passion after hearing of the famous Highwaymen and meeting one of them, S. M. Wells, who encouraged him to devote himself more to his art after seeing a painting Ernest had done when he was 15.

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Local in-person events…

Be safe, wear a mask and partake as you will.   

Starred* entries have multiple events going on. Find them online to see details and what else they are doing. 

Many other events, not listed here, are being held via Zoom. Keep in touch with your favorite organizations to find out what’s going on.

We will get through this!  

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