Category Archives: Articles

Author Larry Schnell at CMC, Nov. 12

by Joe Courter

What does a former news reporter do with his experiences covering Gainesville for eight years at the Sun?

Well, in Larry Schnell’s case, he writes a satirical book about it, and he will be at the Civic Media Center (433 S. Main St.) with copies of the book (or you can buy it at Wild Iris Books) on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 7pm.

The Year of The Gator is based around a storyline of shaky business investment, quick money scheming, political gamesmanship, some quite interesting characters and situations which are only a tad removed from actual people and true happenings of the time he was reporting for the Sun and the Times-Union, which is already set in the familiar confines of Alachua County.

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Exhibits, events at the Matheson History Museum

The main museum building at 513 East University Avenue hosts all programs and exhibitions. It is open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-4pm.


Finding the Fountain of Youth: Exploring the Myth of Florida’s Magical Waters

Mary Ann Cofrin Exhibit Hall

This exhibit is based on Rick Kilby’s award-winning book. The former traveling exhibit was created by the Florida Museum of Natural History and was donated to the Matheson by author Rick Kilby. The exhibit examines how the legend of Ponce de Leon’s quest for restorative waters shaped the Sunshine State’s image as a land of fantasy, rejuvenation and magical spring-fed waters.

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Holiday events: Party for Progress!, CLC spaghetti dinner

In December, Gainesville holiday events include the first Party for Progress! and the North Central Florida CLC Gainesville dinner.

The first Party for Progress! is on Dec. 3 at the Heartwood Soundstage (619 S. Main St.) from 5pm until 11pm. There’ll be a photo booth sponsored by Lauren Poe’s Dank Meme Stash, food, drinks, and raffle contests. A coalition of organizations are hosting including Alachua County Revolution, Alachua County Young Democrats, Alachua County Labor Coalition, Women’s March, Gainesville Area NOW, Central Florida Democratic Socialists of America, Lauren Poe’s Dank Meme Stash, Planned Parenthood, Civic Media Center, the Gainesville Iguana, Mama Trish and Heartwood Soundstage. You’ll have a chance to register/update your voter status and meet candidates running for local office.

On Monday, Dec. 11, from 6:30pm until 8pm, the North Central Florida Central Labor Council (CLC) hosts their annual holiday spaghetti dinner at the Senior Center/ElderCare of Alachua County (5701 NW 34th Street). This year guest speakers will be Gainesville Commissioner Harvey Ward, the President of the Florida Building & Construction Trades Council Theresa King, and Say Yes to Second Chances organizer Jhody Polk.

The dinner is free and open to anyone who believes in the labor movement. Feel free to bring friends, family and colleagues.

Clay, Putnam, Bradford County updates

by Kate Ellison

Putnam Democrats  kick-off election 2018

The November meeting of the Putnam Democratic Party marked the start of the 2018 election season with a potluck dinner and planning meeting. Several candidates spoke, and it is evident that the 2018 primary season will be lively on both sides of the isle. Stay tuned for more details and check for future events on the party’s web page at

More events in early evening hours are planned so that students and working volunteers can come. Putnam County is ground zero in the coming election.

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Humanist Society presents ‘Why I love Kurt Vonnegut’

Dr. Paul Ortiz, associate professor in the UF history department, will present a talk entitled “Why I Love Kurt Vonnegut” at 6:30 pm on Nov. 15 at the Unitarian Fellowship of Gainesville, located at 4225 NW 34th St.

Kurt Vonnegut is remembered as a primary source for reflecting on the rapid changes in our society during the twentieth century, told in a voice deep in irony, sharp critical analysis, and his greatest trademark, biting humor.

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Alachua County at turning point: Repair bureaucracy

by Pierce Butler

Way back in early August, uncountable Trump scandals ago, the Alachua County Commission voted 4-1 to fire then-County Manager Lee Niblock. One of the final straws provoking that decision was a budget proposal for $50,000 for bonuses to help retain the six Assistant County Managers that Dr. Niblock had hired, while rank-&-file staff pay had stagnated for years.

Another precipitating cause had occurred in July, when a Board of Commissioners morning meeting had acknowledged twenty-five years of work on the part of training manager Suzanne Clausier – and that evening considered Niblock’s budget plan terminating her position (and that of a county horticulturalist, with neither named and the firings obscured by bureaucratic jargon).

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Morris Dees speaks at SLC’s 40th Anniversary

by Renaud Lajoie

Two days after white nationalists and protesters faced off at UF, one of the country’s most successful civil rights attorneys, Morris Dees, spoke just blocks away at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center.

He served as the keynote speaker for the Southern Legal Counsel’s 40th anniversary event. The Florida nonprofit law firm, headquartered in Gainesville, has litigated pivotal changes in public policies for the public’s interest against corporations, state and local governments.

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Voting Rights Restoration Amendment: Homestretch for making the 2018 ballot

by Jack Kulas

BALLOT TITLE: Voting Restoration Amendment

BALLOT SUMMARY: This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, who would continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case-by-case basis.

December 31 is the deadline to submit signed and completed Voting Restoration Amendment petitions to Supervisor of Elections offices around the state to get items on the November 2018 ballot.
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From the publisher … Winding down 2017

by Joe Courter

Thinking back a year I am reminded how shocked and apprehensive (to put it mildly) we were with the harsh reality of the election outcome. When I got out a sweatshirt the other day I saw it had a safety pin on it, something that was suggested people do to make immigrants or other threatened or at risk people know that we were a friendly person to trust. We had groups mobilizing, lots of meetings. Thankfully some of those have persisted, Indivisible, Women’s March and off shoots like Second Chance voting rights. We are, I believe, more “woke,” but the level of resistance seems to have diminished, as the forewarned normalization has occurred.

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Spencer Takeaway

by Joe Courter

Background: On Oct. 19, self-styled “Alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer came to Gainesville to speak at the Phillips Center on the UF campus. 

His organization (National Policy Institute) was charged about $11,000 for use of the building, Governor Rick Scott called it a State of Emergency, and taxpayers paid about $500,000 for security outside the building.

Spencer had two or three dozen supporters sitting up front in their white shirts and khakis. About 250 people who got tickets outside from NPI sat and stood in the rear of the hall with empty rows between them.

A number of people of color and people with disabilities were excluded. A vast majority of the audience were anti racists, who were raucous but peaceful.

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November-December 2017 Gainesville Iguana

The November-December 2017 issue of the Iguana is now available! If you want to get your hands on a hard copy, check out our distro locations here.

Come Fest with the CMC October 27 – 28

Once again Gainesville’s Fest will be on the last weekend of October, with over 300 bands at over a dozen venues all over downtown Gainesville.

And in pursuit of the good times that that many bands provide comes the other part of the equation that makes the Fest what it is—people from all over the country (and world) who spend the money to come here. A wide variety of people, and they seek their favorite bands, discover new bands, seek out old friends, and find new ones, too. 

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History and the people who make it: Vanessa Carlo-Miranda

Vanessa Carlo-Miranda [C], UF graduate & co-founder of La Casita, was interviewed by Genesis Lara [L] in October, 2013.

This is the 43rd in a series of transcript excerpts from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program collection at the University of Florida.

Transcript edited by Pierce Butler.

C: I was born in Puerto Rico and I had a great childhood. My older sister came to study in the States, then I came to the University of Florida, and my younger sister went to FIU. We were very privileged, that we went to a school where they expected women to go to college.

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A bit of Iguana history: looking back 30 years

You are reading the Iguana right now. For some it is a well established practice, for some it is a new or occasional experience.

Here’s some background on the Iguana:

The Gainesville Iguana was first published in October of 1986. During that period the political situation in Central America was very hot, with a proxy war against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government being waged by the Reagan administration. Local political organizing against US policy in Nicaragua was at a high level, as was the anti-apartheid movement and the campaign for UF to divest its holdings in South Africa. Local churches were providing sanctuary for refugees fleeing violence in the homelands of Guatemala and El Salvador, the ongoing battle for abortion rights and woman’s rights in general, the protest of the Trident missile system, health care issues, and the like.

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Dismiss the myth, superstitions at Bat Fest 2017

Lubee Bat Conservancy is excited to welcome everyone to their 13th Annual Florida Bat Festival to be held Saturday, Oct. 21 from 10am to 5pm. Our Flying Giants are ready to dispel the myths and superstitions surrounding these gentle animals.

Admission is $5 for children ages 5-12 (kids 4 and under free) and $8 per adult. The beer garden at Bat Fest is $25 online/$28 at gate (includes festival entry).

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Affordable Care Act open enrollment, Nov. 1-Dec. 15

by Ronnie Lovler

Editor’s note: There is a grassroots effort to get more people signed up for Obamacare, stimulated by the cruel efforts of the Trump administration to undercut it. They have shortened the sign-up period by over 50 percent, from three months to six weeks. They have slashed the budget for publicizing the sign up period by 90 percent. They eliminated sign-up on Sundays from midnight to noon, and as they are threatening to cut subsidies for low income subscribers, insurance companies are raising rates to cover their bottom line.

Here’s a link for more background:    <>

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Fall happenings at the Matheson History Museum

The Matheson History Museum is bringing two new exhibits to Gainesville: “Finding the Fountain of Youth” and “Liberating Learning?” Both will be located in the main museum building at 513 East University Avenue.

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New York Times investigative reporter and author Mike McIntire to speak on FSU sports’ scandals

Alachua County Library District welcomes New York Times investigative reporter and author Mike McIntire on Saturday, Oct. 21 at 2:30 p.m. to Headquarters Library, 401 E. University Avenue. McIntire will talk about his book, Champions Way: Football, Florida and the Lost Soul of College Sports.

In his book, McIntire painstakingly lays out a damning case that Florida State University (FSU) and its sports program permitted sexual assaults and academic fraud as the price for producing championship football teams.

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The Year of the Gator

Hey all you old Gainesville hands. Who remembers Chambergate and the fight against the Cement Plant?

Well former Gainesville Sun and Florida Times Union reporter Larry Schnell does, and he put them and other juicy memories into an entertaining novel, The Year of the Gator.

The novel reads like Carl Hiassen, but set in Gainesville and with many characters who strikingly resemble actual people we all know who played roles in that period. UF plays an important part in the book, and it opens with a scene in the Alachua County Jail. It is a “satiric tale as the author unmasks the forces in the game of economic development.”

The book is new and available at Wild Iris Books, which is open Fridays from 1-5pm and Saturdays from 1-6pm. See their Facebook page for upcoming expanded hours.

One more reason to go support Erica and Wild Iris Books. 

Wild Iris Books to close Dec. 23

Wild Iris Books will be closing its doors Dec. 23. For 25 years, we have been your local feminist bookstore and we have loved being a part of your lives. Keeping the store going has taken love and sacrifice but it has also been a source of profound joy and goodness. Being a part of Wild Iris has been one of the most loving and sacred undertakings of our lives. The owners and volunteers have given their hearts and their labor to make sure feminist book-selling had a voice in Florida, but the time has come and we can no longer keep the store afloat.

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