Tag Archives: kenneth weeks

Kenneth “Kenito” Weeks, 1943–2015, peace activist

Kenneth_WeeksKenneth “Kenito” Weeks died April 17 at his home in Gainesville, after a two-year cancer battle. Born in Washington, DC in 1943, he had been a Floridian since 1960 and resident of north Florida since 1978.

Kenito considered himself to be a citizen of the world, and he was involved in the struggles for peace and justice, civil rights, the labor movement, and the environmental and anti-war movements for decades. He was recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, and the Nature Conservancy for his dedication, and was a life member of the Sierra Club. He was an active member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the Labor Party of Alachua County Committee of 100, the Industrial Workers of the World, and the United Farm Workers.

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June 2015 Gainesville Iguana

june 15 iguana coverThe June 2015 issue of the Gainesville Iguana is now available online, and it’s got lots of good stuff (Bernie Sanders, an oral history interview with David Barsamian, a Florida Legislative update from FL NOW, a Sleep Creek Lands/Adena Springs report, and more!). You can also pick the issue up at any of our distribution spots, which you can find here.